Petrol Head PC racers in here ....

Aye, was great fun as usual :slight_smile:
Engines will be firing on all cylnders tonight, not sure what track or car set … I am thinking the DeTomaso Pantera … the black and white one only as thats the least powerful version, and the cheapest.
At 50K (for those with limited earnings so far) you can sell the Mini & Cortina add 10K and welcome to a rare blend of Italian and American muscle sportscar :slight_smile:

I will set up the session with these, once everyone is in we can all decide on the next race/cars, feel free to make suggestions :smokin:

Apologies for the no show, we didn’t get back until just after 11, I was going to bootup and see if I could catch the tail end of something. However Mrs Brigs put the mockers on that, permission declined.

Just JR and myself thrashing the DeTomaso Pantera’s round the track, the black and white version, can report its a great car for the 50K.
Handles really well and as its not too powerful its pretty forgiving.
The 2 other Pantera’s are a lot faster so it would be unfair to use those.
Would be great fun with a good few of us, so I recommend you all work to get one of these and get used too it ready for Friday :slight_smile:

We were doing the Hockenheim GP circuit, it really suited the car, but we found after 7-8 laps our tyres were shot, and that was with the race start only having a 71 deg track temp !

Majik you won’t want to hear me wittering on about how tricky it is to clamp the wheel cos I’ve got one of those PCWorld setups with a sliding-out bit for the keyboard that interferes with trying to clamp the little Fokker down…

But anyway this is some wheel ain’t it very nice thanks for the heads-up :slight_smile:

One lap of vicious oversteer out of the way and I was getting my lap time down by a few seconds every lap I think something like 59 seconds at er, Majolica. No wait Majorca. It could have been something beginning with M

(doesn’t work without the Cockney accent) :slight_smile:

Magny-Cours that’s it thank google

I’m banned from quite a few tracks, greyed-out. They heard about the wreckage thing and lack of insurance in testing I bet

(yes I know I have to unlock them really I’m not a bloody tourist) :slight_smile:

You’ll have seen that movie of the X-Box Project Gotham Racing 3 have you? Blimey.


I will be online from around 20:00 GMT again tonight (Friday) for those that wish to join me :slight_smile:
My IP addy has changed, so catch me on TS to get the new one.

Nice racing on Friday. That Pantera is a nice drive. Hard Luck Majik on that race. Even with that stop/go penalty you pushed me all the way. If you had not overshot that corner the race would have surely been yours. Sorry for the disco later but the better half was pressuring me to go to bed.

Been going through the cup challenges and finally got some kind of measure of the corvette. A bit of a beast out of the corners. You really have to nurse it through them. Rewarding when you get it right though. Powerslides -YES! :slight_smile:

Do any of you guys know how to short-cut / mod the game to remove the restrictions and enable all cars and tracks? My dad just want to drive around offline so would like to disable the whole ‘buying’ feature :slight_smile:

quite a few threads here about gtl that might help

The idea being you learn how to drive and set-up the car as you take on the challenges … doesn’t have a goal otherwise.
Thats what makes it good offline :wink:

[Yoda] On I shall be tonight (20:00 GMT) yes, TS you must come for IP, see a good few of you online if the force is in you I will [/Yoda]

/me checks deodorant is working … seems OK :o

We were starting to get a few in, last two weeks its gone deader than a dead thing :frowning:
Anyone up for Saturday night ?

If my mobo hadn’t gone tits up I would have been there. I do like racing online but things have conspired against me lately. Next week hopefully:)

Same time/place this evening if anyone can make it.

Got on late but you had already packed up (or more than likely didnt get started ;))

Ive un-locked up to Cup C now and won the 3 cars avialable so have a bit more to choose from.

Loving some of the GP tracks, Spa is a monster but ‘flows’ nicely and Zolder has a good mix of fast easy bits and 2 tricky corners to keep you on your toes.

it was the lure of the mossie that pulled me away tonight mate :slight_smile:

I’d like to see more racers on a Friday. I’m sure Majik is going to get sick of me beating him eventually :wink: :bootyshk:

I’ll be on tonight between 20:00 and 22:00

Anybody else feel the need?:slight_smile:

Yes me too … though you wont beat me today … That was a concessional win :stuck_out_tongue: :bootyshk:

LOL, you’re probably right. You woudn’t want to win every time though… would you?:wink:

I ‘should’ be home early (Traffic on the M4, M25 and M11 permiting) so will join you, wouldnt mind trying out the Mustang i won in anger :slight_smile: