Petrol Head PC racers in here ....

I picked up GTR for a tenner from Gamestation while on Hols … but awaiting this one … out 6th OCt :

Imagine a good driving sim, with fantastic physics and set-up options and Capri’s Escorts, Lotus Cortina’s, Mustangs, Corvette’s, E-Type’s, GT40’s Cobra’s, DeTomaso Pantera’s, Classic Porker 911’s etc.
It has Starforce protection, But I have found the latest starforce drivers to be no trouble at all, so I am a happy chap :wink:
… on pre-order for £24.99 @ Gameplay, gonna order it soon unless anyone has found it cheaper ?

It’s a damn shame, because the game looks great. Burning some rubber in a GT40 is my sort of thing.

But you know my views about stuff like Starforce. Make your own minds up about it, but in the interests of science I installed the GT Legends demo complete with Starforce protection, and it crashes my PC back to BIOS every time.

Uninstalling the game will not remove the Starforce drivers, but there is a removal tool available from…

Sorry to be an old misery again :rolleyes:

PeeGee, I had the same issue, it turns out to be an incompatability with the AV.
If you re-install the game and start so it re-activates Starforce (and crashes your machine !) then run the star force update file, all works well.
I have played 3 starforce protected games /demo’s with the new sf drivers, and no issues at all now :slight_smile:
I have uploaded the tools for easy use here :
Starforce Update Tool
Starforce Removal Tool

I held the same views of SF myself, but now it doesnt cause any probs, I am fine with installing SF protected games.

When I have time I do a bit of GTR as well. Last that happened was in April or May, I think… :frowning: I have the GTL demo downloaded but not installed :frowning: :frowning:

Majik, tried the demo…great stuff :slight_smile: is already ordered…maybe we can do some online racing later in october??


Yep … but it will be november now … release date for the game has changed was Nov 4th last time I looked :frowning:
EAF19 Marsh also likes the look of it, so could be 3 of us racing online so far …

hi Terry,

i have my copy, as i told you yesterday on hl… :slight_smile:
is it available in UK?


Not until Nov 4th :frowning:

Funny, it’s out in Norway now too…

didn’t pick it up as I need a new ‘office’ table first, which I can actually attach my steering wheel to.

Thanks Thor being a very kind mate and buying a copy to send to me. :smiley:
I have just installed this and had a quick blast … absolutley fantastic … the demo doesn’t even come close to giving you the feel of the full game.
Just been racing around in my “starter” Lotus Cortina MK1, need some practice, but it feels just as you would expect of a 60’s race saloon, absolutly superb :banana:

And the sounds are just right … a few full size screenies of my hotlap replay for those of you humming and harring … get it ! (Out in the UK Nov 4th).

After a week of having this … the game rocks !
Thor and I have tried a couple of online sessions, but as you don’t have AI online, we need more of you people in for a good race session :slight_smile:

If you buy one racing game this year, make it this one :cool:
The Starforce is fixed and working fine out of the box, put away your misgivings PeeGee, and get this, it really is worth sacrificing your principles for :stuck_out_tongue:

The screenie posted looks good, first signs of temptation taking hold, could you please post a couple more screenies and give us a little bit of the feel of how the multiplayer works.

I no longer have a steering wheel but i know aldi are selling one at the moment for just 20 quid which is a wheel pedals and a handbrake.

Are those cars in the pictures Trabants?

Growler, sit in the corner with you hat with the big D on it on :stuck_out_tongue:

Mk1 Ford Cortina … or more precisley Lotus Cortina.

Multiplayer is still not fully tested … only two of us about so far so we can’t tell how well it goes with more.

Screenies … ok more coming up …

Just a reminder … out in the UK NOW !
Thor and myself need more people to race, come on and join the fun :slight_smile:

I have bought myself a wheel plus pedals and handbrake gearstick in preperation for getting this, of course im going to try the pedals as rudder pedals see if they are any better for il2.

You baggage !!

You posted up a MkII Jag and a GT40. Starforce…principles… GT40… OK where’s my wallet

ROFL @ PeeGee … go-on … ya know ya want too :stuck_out_tongue: