Petrol Head PC racers in here ....

LOL only this we need a tarabant

… looks at PeeGee and Meako …

Baggage lol :slight_smile:

Ok I don’t know what it is but I want it

I suspect Growler was being ironic about the Trabbie it’s a Russian sim we’re flying remember :slight_smile:

See you on the grid chaps I tried that NFS demo but no Cortina in there


JR was over this morning, I think its fair to say he was impressed with GT Legends :slight_smile:

Have you got this now Ming ?

Thor has, PeeGee and Meako are on the “going to get” list (I think), hopefully JR might get it even though his gametime is limited.

It would be good fun with a few of us on coms and racing … online I find it hard to find servers without the crash n bash mentality, good note is I have been in servers with 16 people and the netcode looks pretty decent, so hosting one with all of us on a good connection shouldn’t be a problem.

Once there are a few of us we can name a track and a car group or type, to practice offline, and meet up one or 2 nights a week for a race session.

Tip for beginners, once you have enough money, buy an Alfa GTA, it is eligable in all the first cup group races (IIRC) and is one of the best all rounders in its class. :wink:
You can also sell cars from the my garage screen and you get what they cost to buy, so you can “hire” a car for free if you have enough cash, or sell others to fund a new one.
Just remember, some cars you win can’t be bought, so dont sell thenm unless you want to do the race series that wins them again, you cant buy them back :wink:

I’ll get it when I see it Majik yes mate I’m looking for a good driving sim, no room for the demo on me flashcard today it was that or the Quake4 demo :slight_smile:

We can have quick races while waiting for missions :eek: :slight_smile:


Majik, your package found its way to germany on the we… Thx a lot, its great and doing his name honour:) and thx for the nice card…will mail you for next racing session.

Greetings from Sandra:p


This really is an excellent racing sim, spent a very enjoyable evening last night with Majik racing mini coopers round a short club circuit on one of the official online servers.

An online race is easy to get into, just select what type of car set you want to race and difficulty level from the multiplayer lobby and join a server that is in the practice or qualifying session, couldnt be simpler.

We raced against anything from 3 to 12 other players and was an absolute blast on the short track.

If you have any interest at all in car racing sims you really need to get this, its a must!

As promised GT Legends is now on order, the wife just ordered 3 xmas presents from Amazon and cough i accidently added this.

Shhh mums the word.

:wink: Excellent Meako

JR and myself had a private couple of races at Donington in Alfa’s then went on to the open servers as he mentioned, we lucked out on finding one with some well behaved people, and had a riot :smiley:

Really got me, when JR went and changed his Mini so he had a distinctive baby blue model, 10 mins later I followed him down pit lane, only to shunt him gently from behind when he came to a sudden inexplicable stop, followed by a muttering of sh*t ! … leaning out of my window I saw the cause … another baby blue mini.
JR wanted “to go get changed 'cos someone is wearing the same outfit” :roflmao: :roflmao:

I’ve ordered it for Father’s Christmas present, so I should have it installed by New Year :smiley:

Do any of you guys go to the Goodwood circuit days in September? If not you’re missing one of the best days out ever - 1930s-70s car and motobike racing (proper racing, no mincing round) and air diplays by WW2 aircraft over your head. :slight_smile:

Arrived today, the good lady had already left for work :wink: , so hopefully will be up and running for friday…

Thats good news Meako … JR and I are having a friday night session hopefully Thor will be free and you as well :slight_smile:
I wonder if PeeGee has managed to sort his problems with it yet …

I will be in Teamspeak OPF channel from around 20:00 UK again, GTL ready to go, anyone who wants to join in jump in TS and I will give you the IP :slight_smile:

Well managed to get up and running tonight without any problems, the first track was a bit tricky but fun.

When we decided to race i took a mini and was doing well by my standards, which really means i managed to stay on the track when suddenly my engine died and black smoke appeared from under the bonnet.

When i enquired why my car was broken Majik kindly mentioned the light on the dashboard, to which i said yes i have one and its been on most of the race. Apparently i did’nt want it on, and it was warning me to change gear, well as a rep i can tell you company cars dont mind doing a hundred in second.

A enjoyable session, thinks maybe will have to fit some practice in before next week.

Start on the Cup challenges when you have time offline … this will earn you credits, once you have enough, buy the Alfa GTA, its the best car in that group.
You can select the lower levels which will limit damage effects and AI speed in race (and your credits awarded) but manualy use the F keys to disable all the helps like ABS traction control etc.
It might seem tricky at first, but getting used to the car without the aids is the key. The car behaviour is quite different with them on, so thinking “I will use them until I learn the track/car” isn’t a good long term move, I have turned all the helps off from day one, and find if they are on it really interferes with what you want to do while driving :wink:

You can also sell the cars you have for the same as you paid, so if you want a temporary ride, buy it and sell it back afterwards :wink:
Like wise, if you fancy another colour of the one you have, sell yours and buy another colour version.
Be warned not all cars have colour options … and some that do can have different power and handling charecteristics … but the cortina,mini and alfa have a few colour choices and are the same power/handling package.

There are cars that you can only win, so don’t sell these or else you have to win them again, you cant buy them, these you will notice on the dealer screen have price as POA, form the dealer screen you can also test drive any of the cars you can buy on a limited number of tracks.

Regulary backup the UserData folder in the GT Legends directory, as that keeps track of the cars and points you own, so in the event of a windows/hard drive problem you can re-install the game and then replace the folder with your backed up one.

As for car set-ups … (dont use the slider bar, go into the garage to make proper adjustments) I find the best thing to do is put one lap more fuel in the car than the race is and driveit as is, once you have a few laps under your belt, you can determine what needs improving, I tend to sort the gearing first, you want the final drive to be as low as possible without hitting the redline for any more than a second or two in top gear on the fastest part of the track.
Tyre pressures are best looked at after 6 plus laps, and the aim is to get as uniform temp across the tyre as possible … if the middle is hotter than the outside then its too much pressure, if the midle is colder , too little, you will never get it exactly even across all tyres, so it is a compromise.

All other settings you will best leaving alone until you know what they do, but as a general guide if your car is understeering or pushing the front, softening the front springs and anti-roll bar will help, or stiffening the rear springs/anti roll bar. be warned that too stiff is as bad as too soft.

Brake balance is another key setting … ideally you need it biased slightly more to the front, I tend to set it just enough so the front’s lock first … saves having the rear try to come past as you brake into a bend, at the expense of not being able to turn so well on the brakes.

All set-ups vary a great deal from car to car.

Its may seem a bit daunting at first … but so did IL2, and as with that, its worth persevering :smiley:

GTL and a new Wheel and pedals are on my wish list to Santa…I’ve also asked Mrs Brig aswell because at aged 39 and 3/4 I’m starting to suspect that Santa might not exist. :eek:

Nice one Brigstock :smiley:
Yep, pays to be doubly sure, just in case santa is too busy … what do you mean you suspect he doesn’t exist … my son saw him today so he must be real :stuck_out_tongue:

Phew! my faith is restored… :smiley:

Lately on TV I saw a promotion of GTL. Everything looks really really nice. The guy introducing the game used Track IR and explained the advantages of it.

Actually I play Need For Speed alot, playing it via LAN. The best game for me out of that series is NFS High Stakes (thatsNFSpart4). I had probs first to get it running on XP, but now I have all the necessary tools ready to get full graphics support there as well. It works and my GF5600FX accelerates the game and makes the graphics nice. Its still fantastic. Driving through countryside in snow and summer on normal roads. The circuits of NFS3 are implemented in NFS High Stakes as well. Its really really fun.

I think it’ll be even more fun with alot of participants as would be GTL and I’m thinking getting the game. It really looks good, especially the vintage cars are interesting. The only thing that distracts me a bit is that you drive on race tracks only and not on normal country roads. But it seems to be alot of fun by the looks of it.

Hey! I just got NFS Most wanted and Im really impressed with the Police chases - just like the good ol NFS High stakes ( yep, Hia) ages back. I was between getting GTl or NFS and went for NFS, but on reading some of this, I may do a swap for GTL instead (I`ve liked the mini). The fact that it uses TIR is really significant to me…

Didn`t know you were 39, Brig - snap!