Petrol Head PC racers in here ....

LOL…Yup 40 in April, but toying with the idea of staying 39 for a few more years …just like Mrs Brigs, she’s still in her late 20’s…yeh right :wink:

Hia, Peace … it does not compare … think of NFS as Air attack (or fighter ace as it was known in some countries) and GTL as IL2 … thats about the difference in terms of realism and depth.
GTL is simply the best car racing game/sim on the PC IMO. :slight_smile:

… and :stuck_out_tongue: to Brigs … I am younger than someone at last :smiley:

Once again, Friday comes, and I will be in TS OPF channel around 20:00 hours UK time, awaiting some racers :slight_smile:
Meako is confirmed, hopefully JohnnyRed and Thor will be joining too, and anyone else with the game feel free to pop in and ask for the IP.
As JR and Meako haven’t had much chance to win any cars/cash we will stick with the TC65 class (cortina/mini etc) car group.

You’re really interesting me with this. I’ve only been a petrol head on the console and I’m now toying with the idea.

The though of slinging a Capri round with “The Professionals” music blaring in the background has me. Dare I ask if there’s a pile of boxes I can broadside through? :slight_smile:

The only hang up is I’ve no steering wheel. Oy Santa… :slight_smile:

lol the Purple Helmet Team is in session

What was that one? Something 77 with oil gloop weaponry

Interstate77 that’s it. Afros on hardware D3D back when

Big hair. Big helmet :slight_smile:


I’ve purchased GT Legends (also have GTR), and am in the process of putting together my new desk (got to love Ikea), so I can mount my Momo Force wheel. And hopefully tonight my new 21" HP Widescreen LCD monitor arrives. And TrackIR is enroute from Ze States. Life is good!

Nice, we will be able to hold regular EAF races soon then :smiley:

Guess what my personal best at Donington is in Keets :wink:

I don’t believe I’m actually considering getting that and a steering wheel on the way home tonight. Via Tottenham Court Road. Slight detour <skid> :slight_smile:

Who’s the designated driver don’t depend on me to get out of your way you’ve been warned <shunt> :slight_smile:

Is there a Zephyr with the bench seat and column change? Powder blue please. That front seat saw some action I can tell you. This is before LSD and tights btw :slight_smile:


Thats it Ming … go get 'em :slight_smile:
No Zepher, but There is a MKII Jag, Austin Healey 3000 and a Ford Falcon, amongst the many cars available :wink:

Sorted :slight_smile:

I was kidding about the Zephyr unless you were born in the back of one in which case MY SON! :slight_smile:

She’ll be in in a minute, a fiver says “Where are we going to put it…”

Don’t tempt me darlington :slight_smile:

<throws out anchor>

Just don’t ask what wheel I got that’s all look it was the only one in stock

Bloody wheel elitists :slight_smile:


Nice one :smiley:

Don’t forget to patch the game to 1.1 :

Guess what my personal best at Donington is in Keets

Oh man…

Amazingly I’ve got the green light. So what is the best force feedback wheel, logitech or the momo. Used to have a Momo on my 155… so I’m edging toward that one.

Ordered from Play, no wheels in stock though.

The Momo seems to be well rated by users, so sounds like a good choice.
(It is made by logitech unless I am getting crossed wires) :,CRID=2217,CONTENTID=6030
I have a Thrustmaster FF wheel which I have had a while and am well pleased with, but this model isnt available now, the replacements allegedly aren’t as well built … but thats just what I have heard, couldn’t tell you for sure.

All ordered just on the Royal mail now…

<cue guitar riff>Chickah wah wah</cue guitar riff>

Sorry did’nt manage to join you last night Majik, i did’nt get online till 10.00 and found Onz sitting in CW on his own so joined him.

I will try to get some practice in for next week.

All these EAF getting or got GT Legends really makes me wanna …

Yeeeee ha !

GTL is on its way (via Play…good price!!), but I’m not sure what wheel to go for. The MOMO is a bit more than I’d want to spend considering I got a TIR4 on order too.
Keets you’ll find a MOMO @ if you are looking to get one.
What I’m after I don’t really know! FF would be nice but not neccessary, plus I’ve got CH rudder pedals which have a brake throttle action. Anyone have any ideas (looks at Majik for inspiration) under £40 is my budget.

EDIT: Just seen this Ferrari GT 2 in 1 Force Feedback Racing Wheel. £45 made by Thrustmaster, what do we think?

Hey guys, wait for me.

Game on its way and like Brigstock asks, whats a good FF wheel (only) as I already have a good set of pedals?

Keets - you can be Doyle and I’ll be Bodie. I guess that makes Brigstock the Scotish chap from Upstairs Downstairs!

Que music- DuhDuhDuhh DuhDuh DuhDuh DuhDuhDuhDuhDudda DuhDuhDaDuh


Just downloaded and had a quick blast of the demo and bloody heck! Twist grip joystick is NOT the way to drive these cars. I need a wheel and I need one now!

Hmm, wonder if my local PC World has one? Might just find an excuse to pop out tomorrow.


Jenson Popper

Jenson Pooper? I know you don’t I? :slight_smile:

Whiskey it’s night and day mate with a wheel. Looks a bit suspect but with TIR the ‘you are there’ thing is much with me you end up rolling around the room it’s hilarious and very realistic

Majik you never told me it’s like AAO and I have to do stuff to buy fuel and the breathalyser gadget stopped me joining that last race the Leith policeth dith oh never mind
