Petrol Head PC racers in here ....

Same here Keets “Where are we going to put it?” is the story of my packrat-domesticated life and I wouldn’t mind but she’s got approx. 400 pairs of shoes. Floor-to-ceiling shoeboxes. Hmmm this could be why she always says- :slight_smile:

Thanks for the review Maryfield I’ll have some of that cheers mate


Does indeed sound the bee’s knees, on the list of if mine breaks … replacement option 1 :wink:

Don’t forget GTL action from 20:00 hours tonight (Friday), catch me in TS for the IP if required, if anyone has a particular track/car/car type they want used then just shout :slight_smile:

Is that CET/MET or GMT?

GMT MadDog :slight_smile:

Good fun with a few of us in tonight … and a bit of mayhem too …

MadDog is in the lead, Majik in 2nd, and Keets in 3rd, I am looking behind to see how close keets is and look forward again to see Maddog has run into the kitty litter, so pedal to the metal to gain that position …

But he rejoins the track, I try to turn it tighter but already am pushing the front MadDog loses it a bit and swerves out and I didn’t have anywwre to go (honest occifer, I would still have hit him if I hadn’t been drinking … er oops not that I have :o)

I manage to get away with it, but Keets closes it up and passes within a couple of corners, after a few laps I close him down and the big V8 gives me a good drive down the back straight and I pass …

At the end of that there is a chicane on a hill, the Mustang doesn’t have good brakes, and isnt the most nimble of cars, so Keets closes in on the brakes … but its looking a bit TOO close …

Yep I was right …

I manage to get flipped onto my nose, then into the air …

I wasn’t sure if I was in a Mustang car or plane at this point !

Keets hits the wall, and I come to rest just behind him …

Great fun … I heard several “you git’s!” from Meako and Whiskey as they were tussling each other too … rubbin’s racing :smiley:

I shall be on from around 20:30 again tonight, (Saturday), feel free to join in :slight_smile:

Really great fun last night, i had a great couple of races against Whisky, apologies for any dents in your car mate, ill pass my insurance details onto you later.

I had the same problem last week when i used the cortina, it seems cortinas are the car everyone picks on.

I did’nt realise i had locked more cars so it was’nt till late in the night before i could use the Jag, i love this car even thou it does’nt really like the corners.

Im up for more action next friday.


[Marlon]I coulda been a contender[/Marlon]

You were just a buncha ramraiding bully boys! I quit, I’m never racing again.

Same time next week then?


Tonight ? :wink:

Great fun, and thanks Meako!

Set a new personal best on the track, 1.14.8osmething in the Alfa.

But I have a slight problem in that first long righthander right after the start, I tend to understeer into the sand. Repeatedly.

That was great fun last night. Though my forearms ache from the force feedback…

Just tried to sell the GTA back to the car dealership but they’re not having it as its a 10 inches shorter. :smiley:

Thanks again for hosting Majik!

Majik I was furious that Amazon won’t deliver me MOMO wheel so I was sulking last night :slight_smile:

Keets is a git isn’t he, bloody spearing you stirring it sympathy mate <runs away from Keets cackling insanely Keets I mean not me> :slight_smile:

Will check later if you’re in Majik I need the points I’m still in the TIT. Trotters Independent Trading :slight_smile:


How much are they on Amazon Ming ? … I see Overclockers has them too …

Ta Majik I’ve ordered up a MOMO from Overclockers cheers mate!

She went on about “The size of the box?” yesterday and I told her it’s for Monster Truck Madness - “HGV size, about three feet wide” - she had kittens. That’ll learn her :slight_smile:


Same time, Same place tonight fella’s :slight_smile:
Hopefully PeeGee will be free to join the fun now too, anyone have a track preference ?

I may not be able to make tonight, possibly on Saturday.

I should be on tonight 21:00 0nwards. Cars in me garage right now Mini :slight_smile: ,Lotus Cortina and RS Escort. That should cover most of what we can get up to

Escort … hmm yep that sounds like an idea Brigs, Escorts @ Imola has a nice ring too it :wink:

What about Austin Healy at Imola?

“Silly Billy” :slight_smile:

Excellent stuff last night, well done chaps. Earned meself 20000 credits which is respectable considering what I’ve been earning up to now.

Hopefully I may be able to get on later tonight, but it might be tricky, we off visiting friends late afternoon early evening and may not get back in time.

Also discovered last night that JR is Micheal Schumachers long lost, and up until now, never heard of brother. And…never laugh at Majik in a bathtub :smiley:
You’ll regret it.