Petrol Head PC racers in here ....

Enjoyed tonight, i learnt a lot, firstly Thor does’nt like cortinas and rams them off the road if they are in his way:) There goes my no claims bonus.

No honestly i had a good time and managed to mostly stay on the track and even won a race, that last race i started badly but managed to improve half way thru. I will have to try and unlock some cars by next week.

Yup thoroughly enjoyed it last night chaps. I can feel that I’m very slowly improving. For the last one of the night we went on the net, professional settings, we could really of done with you in that one Meaks…then perhaps I wouldn’t of come last :wink:

Sorry i left, but me brother was asking me to join him in EIF and to be truthful i had completely blown that race, i was lapping aprox 8 seconds slower than i had been doing earlier.

I hope to unlock more cars for next week.

I will likely be about Saturday evening too

Great… I’ve been given the green light for a lap or two tonight. (race not dance) :slight_smile:

Dammit, I could have done with the money :stuck_out_tongue:

I think Meako left his Pron collection in the passenger footwell …

Majik if you’re on tonight pop the times etc in here please would you mate I’d like to race and no one mention any football results and we’ll be cool. Lalalalalalala I can’t hear you :slight_smile:


I shall be on and in TS from around 20:30, and on all night if anyone else is joining :slight_smile:

We discovered last night you can join any track, even if you haven’t unlocked it, just the car choices are limited to what you have.
Meako … sell the Cortina and Mini and buy an Alfa GTA, you can buy/sell at no loss so you can swap back if you need too, and you were doing Dijon so well last night in the Cortina, I think the Alfa would help you go even faster :slight_smile:

I think the Initial setup will be TC65 cars at Dijon tonight :slight_smile: <wanders off to polish Alfa and Mustang>

how to found you guys online ?

I love this game more and more and it should be fun to play it together

MAS, In the Teamspeak server we have a room for GTL thanks to Hia :slight_smile:
I am usually on GTL Friday and Saturday evenings, just jump in to TS and ask for the IP:)

Great session Majik thanks mate!

Best arcade racer (in a good way) I’ve driven and immaculate physics. The sheen on the road under the sun. The excited-vibration resonance modes when the air gets under the chassis. That long long right-hander coming up to the finish line at Dijon… blowing the engine the first time changing down at some ungodly speed and the resulting engine fire. Marvellous :slight_smile:

Deserves a real wheel/pedal setup for sure this one it’s a proper simulator.

After a while the light seems to change it’s quite eerie. Could have been the drink yep.

Hockenheim please and trees :slight_smile:


After due consideration and review of this thread, I have ordered GT Leg Ends. Going over to Overclockers this afternoon to get the MOMO wheel (The benefits of gig money) :). Give me a week and I’ll be there. Cheers Mateys:D

Nice Maryfield :slight_smile:

Let us know what it’s like please mate


Update on my aggro with my drive. Nothing from Starforce or whatever theyre called :( , so was forced to purchase a cheap (£20) DVd stock drive... And it works perfectly now, doesnt miss a single run.:slight_smile:

Time to start some offline practise (well, with time permitting)…

Another into the fold :smiley:
If we could all get online at the same time this will be even bigger fun :slight_smile:
Don’t forget all … Friday from 20:00 hours in TS I should have a server up and running :banana:

Does sound like fun, i played the demo but with no wheel/pedals it was to hard for me.


Didn’t get much of a chance to play with ths baby but my initial impressions are as follows.

Build quality/Design:
Fairy hefty unit. Steering wheel rubberised and gives a nice tactile feel. Secures with 3 screw type clamps that do a good job of gripping the desk. There is a Seperate gear stick that you can have either on the left or right of the wheel. I moved mine to the left for the right hand drive feel. It is like a sequential shift type I think. Pedals Nice and chunky, big platform with rubber feet and special carpet gripper that pops out when you push a button on the underside. No movement on carpet with this enabled!

Setup: Easy Peasy. Install drivers, run though detection & calibration - away you go!

In Game (TOCA3 Race Driver):
Easy to set up went into controller setup and assigned all the various controls, no problems. First race Brands Hatch short, Oh my god force feedback is awesome!:eek: So awesome that I had to tone it down lots in this game. My right forearm was wrecking me after a lap, as there is constant pressure in corners and when steering through cambers. don’t forget my left arm is furiously working through the gears with the gearstick so not much opportunity to use two hands on the wheel, especially at Brands.

Conclusion: Get one. My previous wheel was a Thrustmaster Sprint and there is no contest when comparing it to the MOMO. Will take a fair bit of getting used to but I’m looking forward to GT Legends immensly now. :slight_smile:

Does it have shift paddles so you can hae 2 hands on the wheel gear change too ?

Does it have shift paddles

Indeed and six buttons on steering wheel facia. Plenty enough IMHO:)

so you can have 2 hands on the wheel gear change too ?

Wimp - No way to drive a 1960’s/70’s real man’s car;)

I second that. I’m really happy with the Momo. Though its where to put the damn thing whilst your not using it. :slight_smile: