Petrol Head PC racers in here ....

May I suggest Spa or Magny Cours for the Mustang. Nice long straight to power down with a bit of challenging twisty stuff as well :slight_smile:

Mustang’s at Magny Cours … sounds like a plan :slight_smile:

Friday is a difficult night for me to get on. If I don’t go to the Pub after work I generally [generously - even :slight_smile: ] give up my time to dear old wifey.
Saturday night is better. TV is shite IMO, however Mrs Brigs quite likes all the reality rubbish and it’s easy for me to slip away unnoticed
Plus got a little PC envy going on with that lucky biatch Majik and his unlimited credit card…not fair [toddler sized tantrum on the way]

Good racing in the Mustangs chaps. A beast of a car but very rewarding when you get it right. Johnny Red was the star performer last night. A superb qualifying run saw him getting into the 1:12s with the rest of us languishing almost a second behind. This was born out by the result really. It was close at the beginning and the lead swapped a few times in the first couple of laps, but then JR’s more consistent performance reaped dividends as the rest of us pushed too hard and went for a bit of Colin McRae style off-road :smiley:

to coin a cheesy commercial phrase - I’m Lovin it:afro:

Aye was good fun … we went into public servers a little later, but there is just so much ramming its getting increasingly tiresome.

If anyone is around tonight, I shall be up for some more … suggestions on track, cars and praccy/qualifying times etc all welcomed, I tend to do run the full times if no-one says otherwise, if its to tedious to do the default 45 mins praccy/qualy then just shout up and I will manually end it at whatever time we all think suitable :slight_smile: personally I would say 30 mins praccy to learn the track and set the car up 15 mins qualy would be OK ?
Likewise the race distance … just shout if you have a preference :slight_smile:

Hopefully a few of us will be about tonight :slight_smile:

Good call on the track Maryfield, was a good challenge for the Mustang, good fun.

For general online pickup games it is getting annoying, any server you join now it seems the majority think its good practice to use the car in front as a late breaking device and that the race is one and lost on the first corner.

We have some good racing now with our small band, tough but fair, would be nice to get more in though, maybe we should post up on the Race Sim Central forum for other like minded racers.

Should be on around 20:00 for some GTL mayhem. Anybody else?

Suggested track - Djion?

Cars - Escorts, Capri, Jag E-Type??

Sounds good to me :slight_smile:

At work till late, doubt i will be on till 22.00 - 22.30, hopefully time to join in a few internet pickup races.

Good Fun last night chaps … would be even more so with a few more in, there are lots of nice new momo etc wheels gathering dust atm :wink:
I Should be about tonight if anyone else is about ?

there are lots of nice new momo etc wheels gathering dust atm

Tell me about it… :slight_smile:

Been busy at the moment Majik and time spent on the PC has been limited.

Chelsea supporting In-laws visiting tonight…but if I’m my rude ignorant Millwall self I should be able to clear 'em out by 9pm :wink: Chelsea idiots in my 'ouse…not 'avin that, I’m not
So I should be on later tonight

I’ll hopefully be up for GTL Friday.

It would be great to see how good all the other MOMO owners are. I reckon I’d skin you all :wink:

(Majik - I’m trying to goad them into attendance. If the softly softly approach doesn’t work, get the hammer out :slight_smile: )

I will be on later, if its just the usual suspects wouldnt mind a good session with the dreaded higher end Porsche (if you cant beat em join em :slight_smile: ) although if others turn up we obviously need to run what everyone can get.

I see on the Race sim forum that the chap who runs the ‘Racin24x7’ dedicated server is looking to start closed sessions and a league for like minded individuals of any level/ability who is into hard but fair racing, he has a TS server setup also.
If it continues with just the 3 or 4 of us maybe its something we could get involved in?

Just picked up a good tip from RSC for those that can’t see all you mirrors etc, even with seat adjustment :

“You can change FOV in game by holding the left ctrl and left mouse buttons and moving the mouse.”

Re Johnny Reds comment for Racin 24/7 … we both have applied to join this, if you wish too, pop along to their forums (the forum e-mail isnt working so just register then login and post in the join section).

Registered over at Racin 24/7. Not sure about setting up TS though as only the IP is listed, no other details?

Welcome aboard Maryfield :), Majik and myself had a good session on saturday night with the guy who runs the server and a few others in TS, seem a good bunch, good times ahead :slight_smile:

Regarding TS you dont need any passwords or anything, just set the server ip and port, add your nickname and tick the registered box, thats it nothing else required.

24/7 sounds good. I’ll have some of that.
Also I’m close to sussing the CTD I’m suffering at the mo’. I’m thinking it’s a TS/soundblaster/driver type thing. Found one other who is CTDing with TS and as GTL is playing havoc with TS when starting my gut feeling is it’s a sound issue.

At the risk of pimping yet again, Plantronics USB headsets have there own inbuilt “soundcard” so can run entirley independant of the main one, meaning independant volume set-ups for coms and game.
It also frees you from issues caused by sharing the soundcard from 2 apps at the same time (I could never have surround sound in IL2 with the Audigy as it screwed the coms, but with the Headset thats not an issue ;))
Dowside is coms only come through the headset, but the wife always complained she could sleep OK when I was playing a game, but other peoples voices kept her awake, so win-win for me :slight_smile:
If you play games through a headset it might not be so usefull though :o

Which is the category I fall into :o Medusa 5:1 headset
Next step is try GTL in stereo, to see if that makes things any better. It’s probably possible that I could run coms via my onboard soundcard and split the Medusa connections between my SB and the onboard.