Petrol Head PC racers in here ....

Fingers crossed for you Brigs.

I shall be on tonight … in Racin 24/7 TS … if you don’t have the details go the site listed above to get TS details :slight_smile:

I will be in but not till 21.30 ish

Bit quite in here on the GTL front, noone else still driving?

You will find Majik and myself in the racin 24x7 server and on their TS Friday evening’s still.

If you havent popped in lately there are a few 3rd party tracks running on the server now.

Check the 24x7 forum link here for details of the current custom tracks and a link to download them from:

24x7 are also starting a fun league for each car set:
more details here if you would like to join in:

I’m still driving, when I can - but I’ve a feeling I’m going to be Oblivated this weekend :slight_smile:

Lol Keets, my copy was waiting for me when i got home, i may have the same problem :slight_smile:

Sorry m8s, i dont think i can make on friday…thx for help in registering on 24/7 racing server, Terry:) , cya soon…

I will be about on the 24/7 server tonight if any one would like to join us :slight_smile:
There is still time to register for the league events, one event for each class of car, so you can enter 1,2 or 3 events full information can be obtained from:
I am penned in for racing the Alfa GTA in the TC65 class, Porsche 911 in the GTC-TC-76 class and Ford GT40 in the GTC65 class.
Signup to the events on this thread:

League races have 30 mins praccy and quali followed by 20 laps with 2x fuel and tyre wear, with one compulsary pit stop.

My pedals still bust :frowning:
Attempting another fix, maybe on later.

Fancy running a setup testing session at Zolder tonight m8?

Maybe we can knock our collective heads together and get a decent setup ready for the league race tomorrow night.

Can do m8, I came second in the GTC-65 class on wednesdays league race, the GT40 is streets ahead in that class, but makes up for my crap driving :stuck_out_tongue:

OT I took some pics of the tv from PGR3 replays …

Well done on the 2nd place, nice one.
Shall we say 20.30 - 21.00, meet in the EAF TS, anyone else that would like to join here can see where we are then :slight_smile:

Sounds like a plan :slight_smile:

Tonight (Friday) EAF teamspeak, I will be hosting at Spa track from around 20:00 UK time all cars available, anyone welcome :slight_smile:
I will be running the GTC-TC-76 Porsche 911 as practice for tommorows league race.
Initially I shall be using my custom standalone Porsche, but if other EAF guys want to join I will switch to standard so as not to cause problems :wink:

JR and Thor, there are new standalone downloads for the League cars on the 24/7 site, and the signup for next season link from the “league Sytem” button on the main page.

As the GT40 is being banned from next seasons GTC-65, my car set for next season is as follows:

TC-65 - Lotus Cortina (custom paint).
GTC-65 - Ferrari 275 (custom paint).
GTC-TC-76 - Porsche 906 (custom paint)

Big Hint:
Anyone can sign up for next seasons league, and there is no commitment, if you cant make a race then its not an issue :wink:

Somebody due to some racing tonight? :slight_smile:

Season 2 of the Racin24/ uk will soon be starting and cars must be decided on.

I was naturally wary about looking for next seasons race cars, I already have a Cortina lined up, and as my GT40 is outlawed, I found a TVR that needed a new engine and a paintjob, so that was were the GT40 motor went, detuned to comply with the regs, and for the GTC-TC-76 class I have secured a deal on a Porsche 906 … well I thought I had !
For some reason the previous owner, a rich American collector, got wind i might actually race it instead of let it gather dust as an exihbit, and has threatened to pull out of the deal, I am of course lying through my teeth to get the thing delivered, but thought I should have a back-up plan in case …

So, As some of the other guys seem to be flying in the Capri’s, I had a brief test at Monza the other night in my “Generalee Slow” custom Capri (if you haven’t guessed, based on the General Lee paintscheme, but with a twist ;)), and was quite impressed, unfortunatly the tuning work done on the engine for that is in breach of the rules, so I had a look for something suitable on E-bay.

I found an earlier version, less power, but also less weight, and thought that might make a good backup in case the 906 deal fell through, and after asking what the reserve price was, I decided it looked a bit of a bargain, especially as it would be delivered anywere in the UK F.O.C.
It was described as an ex-race car, original vinyl roof and original classic blue over silver paint, all intact and kept in storage since its last race, I asked for a photo and was sent this:

As the guy had 100% feedback (later I checked and he had sold a woooly pullover to Mrs Miggens in Shropshire, and that was his only previous deal, but I didn’t think to check at the time !) I bid, had a battle in the dying minutes but eventually won for it £4995, what seemed a bargain for a totally race prep’d car.
I arranged for it to be delivered to my mechanics garage for a once over before I loaded it into the truck.
It turned out the photo must have been taken around 1974 (I should have picked up the clue with the dull colours in the photo, but guess I was to excited at the time), and judging from the hay and chicken shit my mechanic had to fish out of the car, it had been stored in an open hay shack since then :frowning:
My mechanic said on the phone that the bodywork was well rough, but the running gear seemed sound, it didnt seem to bad for £49.95, I told him it was £4995 and about 10 minutes later, after he stopped laughing, he e-mailed me a pic of his apprentice testing the car out:

Needless to say I shot straight down there and although I was well ripped off It seemed to be mechanically sound, so I stuck on my race numbers and discovered we might need some new tyres (see pic below), but other than that, and the removal of the DDVG (dodgy daves virtual garage) sticker from the rear windscreen, thats all I am prepared to do to it for now !

Nice rusty skin you made there fella :slight_smile: