Petrol Head PC racers in here ....

Postie just been here too. :w00t:

Majik, what do I need to do to join in tonight. What track do I need to unlock and how do I do it? Not much time available this afternoon so i might not be able to make the cut.


fecking key wont activate:mad:

Brigstock, use the key on the disc. You’re trying your online key…

I haven’t managed to unlock Hockenheim yet, will I still be able to race their online? I don’t mind learning the circuit in the free practise. :slight_smile:

That did it :slight_smile:
However I’m not very good at this driving stuff :eek:
Probably be a while before I’m brave enough to come online:o

Sod that Brigs … just get on line and have a laugh :slight_smile:
Whiskey … just put your keys in (when you first go to try online, it will prompt for the key on the back of your booklet).
Update with the patch linked previous page, join us on TS (Hia has kindly made us a GTL channel :)) and I will give you my IP … then just join via menu - multiplayer - lan/direct IP - Add IP and enter my IP … setting netspeed to 56k along the way if you haven’t already.
No need to unlock anything, I will have it on a track that you can get to straight away :slight_smile: (Donington national).

I gave it half an hour this afternoon and didn’t manage to complete a lap :o
I fear this PC racing is not something that comes naturally to me, unlike PC WWII fighter piloting :wink:
What time are you going to be online tonight, wifey is out on tonight from 6 onwards. I should be able to make it at some point thereafter.

Majik: Thanks for that, looking forward to it.

Brigstock: I was having trouble staying on the track at first as well. I then dropped the wheel sensitivity down to 50% and that made a big difference. I can complete laps now but still manage to fall off the road quite often. Driving at the professional level I was around 10 seconds behind every other car on the track. Even my fastest ever lap while playing the demo was 9.8 seconds behind the slowest AI!

W ‘drives like a granny’ B

Whiskey mate, let me assure you, you are Ayrton Senna compared to me. 10 seconds off the pace, I can only dream.

Damon ‘drives like a greatgranny’ Brigstock

Brigs im not much better, my first time online i could’nt stay on the track and i managed to blow up the engine on my mini.

Hehe … it will soon come to you guys … just think back to how hard IL2 seemed when it was first out (well it did (still does) to me !)
I will be on TS from around 20:00 hours onwards … looking forward to this, should be great fun with us all in :slight_smile:

That is pretty decent actually, I can just about beat the AI on amateur if I keep clean … so looks like i will be watching your tail lights :slight_smile:

Looking forward to it.

Wish I knew how to save videos - I laughed so hard I nearly fell off my seat last night - I’d qualified last as usual but found the starts good fun even if all the other cars disappeared off into the distance. In this particular race they disappeared off quicker than usual, then I realised in my haste to get a good start I was actually in reverse! The sight of my wheels screeching and laying down rubber as I zoomed off down the start straight the wrong way makes me chuckle even now. :roflmao:


LOL, did the same when I took out a Cortina. Flat out down a straight then saw the corner marker said 1st gear :eek: …anchored up dropped down through the gears, started going sideways and it all turned orange.
Even if I am crap it’s been fun so far, thanks for the heads up Majik!
Hopefully WB will make a habit of going backwards when we get online :smiley:

Excellent stuff last night chaps, I’m going to have fun with this. I had half an hour in the afternoon and that session last night. After that I noticed I was getting better at staying on the track. What I’ve got to polish up on is the car setup and my track positioning, plus some fine tuning with my wheel settings. I noticed last night, when I went on the short track with JR and Majik, that I couldn’t match their speed. I suspect most of that was the line I was taking. Even on a short track I was still 4/5 seconds off the pace. Very frustrating.

It will come with practice Brigs, both of us have had a lot more time to get used to how the cars react and were some of the tracks go :slight_smile:

I could see all of you improving your times as the evening progressed :banana:

Was massive fun last night, here are some snapshots of the second EAF race at Donington:

Johnny Red and myself will be doing a bit more tonight, so if anyone fancies joining us, meet us in TS … will probably be around 21:30 ish I think.

I would love to get on later, however I think I may be very busy later on tonight, leaving out mince pies and carrots for you know who :slight_smile:
But I will be practising this afternoon no doubt about that.

Like the shots of the chaps, I’m sure thats me in the Mini behind Meako’s Lotus, just before I went wide on a corner :wink:

I really enjoyed the session as well. Thanks for hosting Majik. Amazing how quickly the time went.

Yup, excellent fun, quite intense as well.

Thanks Majik for hosting.


One thing I’ve noticed Majik is that my pedals don’t quite work as I’d expect them to. I should be able to have braking and acceleration happening simultaneously but if I have the brakes applied I get no throttle at all. Any ideas?