Got home from work late and then went for a drive in the snow with the wife, in a car that is.
Now too tired to fly.
Will not fly for a week, going to Vilhelmina over Eastern, probably back on Thursday 21/4.
Too hot, too sunny, and a bit spent. No flying for me tonight.
And the hot weather continues. Ok, for you Italians it’s probably just normal weather, but for us northerners it’s quite taxing. As I continue to work from home I have no AC etc, and at the end of the work day I have 30+ in my office/flying room (despite trying to cool it using ice water in a humidifier), so I’m not really in the mood for going back there to fly (it takes a long time to get back to bearable temperatures).
So, enjoy the weather (if you can) as I will do after work, and see you once we get back to more normal weather. Oh, yes, I work next week as well, but after that my vacation starts, and then it will be very little flying for about 5 weeks as I will be AFK.
I’m back from holidays, flew last week and on Monday, but no flying for me tonight. Probably back on Monday next week.
Looks like I’m missing flying tonight, talking to my wife about the results in the Swedish election.
Pleased with it?
Yes, I hope this will be a turning point for us. Had we continued as before, Sweden as we know it would be no more. Now there’s at least a chance that we can stop it before it gets even worse…
Well, still sick, no flying for me tonight.
Again sick, influenza this time. Had 40 degree fever from Sunday evening until Monday afternoon (I was a bit slow to take tablets), better now, but I have just about enough energy to go from the bedroom to the kitchen.
Take care Mikke! Have a quick recover!
influenza strain this year is terrible!
i got knock out 2 days by covid!
now better but still confined home!
Better today, not so much fever, but no power at all. Walking 100m makes me really tired, and just sitting in front of the computer is draining, so no flying tonight (of course).
Get well Jimmi!
Getting better, slowly. Working today, but I don’t think I will be really fit for flying for a couple more days. And then I will go on Christmas leave, back for real next year.
Not sure if I’ll be flying tonight, and if I do I’ll be on DCS.
Well, seems like I’m going to Vilhelmina on thursday evening instead of flying, so I’m out of luck when it comes to flying this week. On the other hand, I will be in Umeå over Easter, so I will try to get some flying done then instead.
you just got me craving for the next Wallander series
have a great long weekend! If you’ll find food garbage in your plane it’s not me! I would never dare stealing and eating in boss’ plane
My wife spent 6 months there many years ago as a researcher. She loves Sweden and still has friends there.
Well, I will be working on Friday, just not from any of the normal places.
Shardana, if you ever decide to come visit Umeå, let me know! This time of year can actually be a good time if you want some releaf from the heat of Italy, -11°C (I suspect it will be around 0° in a few hours), bright sunshine and close to 1m thick snow.
If you come at the end of June or beginning of July it will be light all around the clock, yes, we are some 400 km south of the artic circle, so the sun will set, but only for a couple of hours and that’s not enough to make it go dark.