Thank you mates

I have my new Wings !!!

It is very interesting. Every time I was taking IL-2 as a game but now I feel something more. Something absolutely different. Really I am very happy.

Many thanks Ming that you opened for me the amazing world of EAF. And many thanks mates I may fly with you.

More than one month I flew with pilots with squad 19. But now I wish to enter to squad 310 to be one representative of Czechoslovak pilots.

Letu zdar.
Have a good flight.

Jirka EAF310


Ming :slight_smile:

Congratulations on getting your wings, i hope you enjoyed your time with 19 and look forward to flying alongside you now your in 310.


Well done Georgie! Now you begin :slight_smile:

Thank you to Thor for being one of the finest RAF-style men I know.

Good luck Czech Squadron!

Drinks all round!

No not for me I’ve got one already :slight_smile:


well done Jirka!!!

ehm!.. where are the beers? :smiley:

Nah, czech’s don’t drink beer, do they? :stuck_out_tongue:

Grattis Jirka! :slight_smile:
310 it is.

S! Jirka



Bravo Jirka well done!
And i’m really happy to see 310 sqaudron with more pilots! :wink:

Hope to fly again with you soon :wink:

Well Done Jirka!

Congrats Jirka!! :slight_smile:

hope to fly with you soon, come fly with 51 and meet all the guys whenever you want :slight_smile:

Great to see you with your wings Jirka, and I am sure you will have a lot to offer EAF as well as what you get from EAF.

Good choice on the Squadron, of course, its natural. Same reason why the few Scots that are left are sticking it out with 602.

At a time when people are leaving, there is nothing more encouraging than seeing new people joining.

S! Jirka and all other trainees currently on board :slight_smile:

S! Jirka

well done

Salute! Jirka :slight_smile:

You are right, the EAF is more than just the flying. Wit, intellect, charm, good looks, we’ve got the lot. If you look hard enough.

Well done Jirka :slight_smile: welcome aboard…with your decision to join 310 you took care of doubling our combat strenght :slight_smile: so you are at the place now where individual decisions really count :slight_smile: looking forward to fly again with you :slight_smile:



The world is nice today. Even if the weather is raining here. Good morning to you from Prague. Many thanks for your nice responses mates.

Welcome in the “real” stuff, Jirka.
I am happy to ear you are happy to fly with the EAF. I belive that time will give you even more reasons to do that, as it was for me.

I have to say I had some dubt about the Check Squad, because of lack of new pilots. But I believe this may be really a chanche to get back some kind of central-estern Europe sqquad within the EAF.

Good luck, good Hunting, Pilot Officier!

ehm… I have a question… Does all Check pilots fly every night inverted under a shelter before going to bed? :roflmao:

Congratulations - good job!

Congratulations Jirka :slight_smile:

Well done Georgie, hope you enjoyed the training and I know the T/O staff and their joysticks are very glad to see you leave OTU. Very good flying.

When giving you your wings last night and then offering you to you join any Squadron in EAF, I did wonder if you would join 310. I know trying to understand each other was hard during training but I do hope you got something out of it. Wish I could speak Czech mate :slight_smile: Well you are joining 310 Czech Squadron and Thor a fine pilot who will stick to you like glue and never leave you in a fight, a good beginning indeed :slight_smile:

Hope to see you in the air soon :slight_smile:

S! and congratulations Jirka. :banana:

Glad to have you officially aboard the pilots roster, whether it be 310 or 19 Sqn, brothers in arms buddy :wink:

Look forward to flying more missions with you soon.