Networking Guru's .. some questions for you please

When you are opening the port on the router, you are in effect allowing unsolicited traffic (i.e traffic that doesn’t originate from you) to travel through your router.

Because you have NAT (Network Address Translation), you need to tell your router which local PC the unsolicited traffic needs to go to.

With IL2, you must open ports 21000-21001 (IL2 only uses 21000 but you need an ending port) and tell the router which PC is your flying PC. This will direct the unsolicited traffic you get when hosting, to the correct PC.

Why would another game use those ports? Which “other game” are you trying to activate a service with? Which ports?

Login to your router and check the list of services under the Port forwarding, is IL2 already listed?

You are performing this on your router and not your s/w firewall?

No need to change anything on your router for HL.

Just go through the steps I put above - I can post screenshots if you like.

Yep I did add IL2 as described, and now it is in the list … I thought the name means it only opens traffic for that app, but from what Peegee says it doesn’t, it just opens that port all the time and the name is so I know what I opened that port for :slight_smile:
The only other game ATM I need to allow traffic for is GTL.
My manual is in German PeeGee, as Thor was kind enough to send me one he bought before it was out here :slight_smile:

I have no S/W firewall, as I understood its surplus to requirements with a router.

Please bear with me, it sometimes takes a few attempts before I grasp things these days :wink:

So you’re done then. If its in the list, you should be able to host.

Once again, many thanks guys :):ani_beer: