HSFX6 BoB COOP on Thursday

Thanks to Keets and 92 for hosting; terrible flying on my behalf. Will put some practice in before next week :slight_smile:

Great to see so many EAF flying together and with a couple successive coop missions. Great fun. Just like the old days.:smiley:


July 16th, 1940

Briefing: Its late in the afternoon of Tuesday, July 16th. Radar has picked up multiple contacts (40+) heading for Ventnor on the Isle of Wright at around Angels 10.

Spitfires from Biggin Hill are fueled and ready to go.

Pilots assemble on HL @ 9pm. :slight_smile:

And if we have time make sure your will is in order…

July 18th,1940
While Warmwell’s 152 squadron and Biggin Hill’s 601 squadron are on routine patrol, they encounter more than 30 Bf-109’s over the Channel off of Beachy Head

Back in the UK now, so I’ll be up for these.

Mission 1 Log: http://92squadron.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/isle-of-wight-festival.html
Mission 2 Log: http://92squadron.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/warmell-reception.html

Mission 1 Stats: http://www.keets.org/eafstats/out_missdata.cfm?mission_id=316
Mission 2 Stats: http://www.keets.org/eafstats/out_missdata.cfm?mission_id=317

Thanks Keets, really good fun. Still not sure about the best way to take down the bombers, though; they seem to have it in for my constant speed unit…

Looking at everyone’s percentages, I reckon the secret is to actually hit 'em.

Or take MonsTTer’s approach, if all else fails, collide with the beggars.

Ehm, Squadron Leader…it was a 109…:smiley:

And before tailgating him, please note that I scored a nice 8,8% hits on him…

First Mission


July 25, 1940

Attack expected at 14:30 just off Folkestone. Ships are headed north just off the coast. Enemy bombers have been sited headed for a strike. BB 24 kp5.

Protect the ships and keep the enemy off the coast. Expect heavy escort with the bombers. Allied planes have been scrambled from 3 bases.

Dive bombing has been used in recent days. Keep your eyes open. Command has limited our aircraft numbers. Work as a team.

Spit’s gain altitude and cover the Hurricanes. Hurricanes are tasked with hitting the bombers.

Spits 15,000-20,000 ft
Hurricanes 10,000-12,000 ft.

Hornchurch-12 Spits
Biggin Hill-12 Hurricanes
Kenley-9 Spits

Good luck!


July 26, 1940


Weather: Poor with cloud levels at 1000m

Today the weather is very poor. The enemy still remains active. AH-19 kp1 is the convoys location. Expect long flight time due to weather.

In recent days the enemy bombers have been hitting the convoys hard. Several attacks have been aborted by the enemy due to poor visability.

Recon has sited several groups of bombers with fighter escort heading to your area. Get to the ships and keep them safe.

Headquarters has asked for:
18 Hurricanes from Tangmere
12 Hurricanes from Ford

Good luck!

Meet on HL at 9pm UK time

I’ll try and get a couple of maps up before the mission starts, so we at least have an idea where they’re coming from and how many are coming

All down? Aye, kind of.

Do you have the stats for the 2 mission, Brigs?

Great screen shot Joe! I thought you were going to hit me.
I think Brigs may have posted the stats more than once.

I think you’re right :0

Keets can fix it though…when he gets back

mine ofgh xfgh c

