HSFX6 BoB COOP on Thursday

Thursday mission brief below. Take off is 9pm on HL - give or take a minute or two.

July 12th, 1940
A convoy off the Suffolk coast has sent an urgent request of help that it is being attacked by He-111’s.

Hurricanes from Martlesham Heath, North Weald and Debden are to scramble immediately and offer assistance.

Radar has advised multiple aircraft in the area

Keets, I got some running about to do on Thurs but should be there


Good stuff mate!

Would have loved to join, but out of town for this one. Save me a Hurry for next mission.

Rgr that Apollo, there may be some enemy a/c for the rest of us this time :slight_smile:

Would like to try and get in on this one, seeing as I’ve missed the fun so far.

Great stuff. I checked the mission earlier and it looks like a heavy raid. :slight_smile:

On this day, 1 Aug, Hitler issued Directive 17


I’m downloaded and ready to rock! :slight_smile: (Better get some air time before I make a fool of myself:o)
IL-2 does not have 16.9 aspect ratio support?

You need to manually edit your conf.ini file and set your resolution in there . Dint forget to change SaveAspect=0 as well.

Not had a chance to post this, but it’s worth it still. Haven’t seen such a good and mixed turnout on HL for a while.

Excellent evening (apart from a couple of, erm, mishaps in the 602 flight) thanks Keets and Brigs.

HSFX 6.0.1 patched and ready for this week’s defense of Blighty.

Cheers Charlie for the links mate and hopefully Marsh might be join us.

Results from Thursday

Mission logs:
1st mission - http://92squadron.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/here-is-news.html?m=1
2nd mission - http://92squadron.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/bombers-over-dover-over.html?m=1

1st mission - http://www.keets.org/eafstats/out_missdata.cfm?mission_id=307
2nd mission - http://www.keets.org/eafstats/out_missdata.cfm?mission_id=308

July 14, 1940 - The convoy “Bread” again is under attack

40 Ju-87’s have assembled behind Calais and they are escorted by 109’s.
It appears as if they are headed for the convoy “Bread” off of Dover.

Spits from Hornchurch as well as Hurricanes from both Croydon and Kenley respond.

Ops have been on the telephone - I don’t like the look of this one.

Scramble @ 9pm in HL

and if we get time:

July 15, 1940 Do-17’s attack a convoy in the Thames Estuary

On a terrible weather day, in which there should be no enemy action, 15 D0-17’s attempt an attack on a convoy “Pilot”, in the Thames Estuary.

Spits and Hurricanes from North Weald scramble to defend the convoy.

I just hope the sun be shining :cool:

I’ve just put a call in to the Met Office (ok I check the mission properties)

Weather - Mild hazy cloud cover. Wind low to moderate.

The sea temp is around 18 degrees if you have to bail. :slight_smile:

And there really is 40 JU87’s :eek:

Ducks in a barrel :slight_smile: Its the 100+ 109s covering them that should make it interesting.

Met Office

1940 Met Office though on a one-bit computer and a bit of seaweed, predictions reliable for <rustling papers> 30 mins

Great fun tonight Keets thanks for hosting, DCGs very nice, HSFX no bother


Nice couple of missions.

Mission 1 Log: http://92squadron.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/late-to-stuka-party.html
Mission 2 Log: http://92squadron.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/thames-barrier.html

Mission 1 Stats: http://www.keets.org/eafstats/out_missdata.cfm?mission_id=311
Mission 2 Stats: http://www.keets.org/eafstats/out_missdata.cfm?mission_id=312

Good to see Ming and Marsh in the Stats. :slight_smile:

Nice one chaps, especially you Ming.