HSFX6 BoB COOP on Thursday


All welcome :slight_smile:

A little bump to remind people we’re on for some HSFX BoB tonight.
On HL @21:00 UK time

Last call for IL2 HSFX BoB COOP mission

First mission went well.

I was very nice to be back in a Spitfire over the Cliffs of Dover.

July 10 1940:
Control had spotted a group of 110’s with a 109 escort crossing the Channel and vectored elements from 64 Sqn, 32 Sqn and 56 Sqn. Target was believed to have been a Channel convoy

The Hurricanes from 56 engaged first and by the time we arrived as 64 Sqn, flying out of Henley, there was very little trade left.

Redundant and Charlie found a lone 109, Red brought him down. The rest of the mission was patrolling the coast to make sure no more Luftwaffe were around, then back to Manston to avail ourselves of 56’s hospitality, tea and tiffin all round :slight_smile:

Stats up: http://www.keets.org/eafstats/out_mi...mission_id=305

Pics up: http://92squadron.blogspot.co.uk/

Great mission Briggs, thanks for hosting.

Was a good laugh at times (“christ i forgot about trim I’ve been pushing the joystick forward for the last twenty mins”) was one of the ones I remember, there was too many to mention, in fact the word noob was used a few times:D

Looking forward to next week, even if your sunning your backside on holiday


Ditto; Great mission & banter

Wished I could have got the TiR working correctly in the 1st place but after a bit of “TS” tuition I have made a proflie and got it working in IL2.

Now for a few weeks of “TiR” airsickness tablets and I can finally enjoy getting back in the air.

Thanks Briggs & the rest of the crew.



When the next one? I would like to join :wink:

Everyone is welcome Jimmi, you don’t need to ask, just turn up
They should be running every Thursday, 21:00 UK time

I would normally host, but I’m away for the next 3 weeks, so Keets has generously volunteered to host.

Great! Not sure but will try to make it!

This Thursday’s mission. I’ll aim to launch in HL @ 9pm BST

August 5th, 1940 - Spitfires and Hurricanes from Hornchurch and North Weald Meet German forces looking for convoys over the Channel.

Gentlemen, the last few days have been rather quiet. Hope You’ve all enyoyed the respite from the action. Today is promising more brutality from the Huns. We’ve already had attacks on convoys off of the coast near Dover and Fighter command is reporting incomming aircraft.

Spitfires of 41 Squadron, Hornchurch: Take up a flight path to the Dover area Hurricanes 151 Squadron, North Weald: Take up a flight path leading just south of Ramsgate.

Stay on patrol in your area unless vectored in by the other flight or Fighter Command. Good Luck Chaps! Now Scramble!!!

Hey Charlie, glad you got TIR working, you’ve got the bug now and playing without it will never be the same :slight_smile:

*** Bumping this again as the thread is on a new page ***

This Thursday’s mission. I’ll aim to launch in HL @ 9pm BST

August 5th, 1940 - Spitfires and Hurricanes from Hornchurch and North Weald Meet German forces looking for convoys over the Channel.

Gentlemen, the last few days have been rather quiet. Hope You’ve all enyoyed the respite from the action. Today is promising more brutality from the Huns. We’ve already had attacks on convoys off of the coast near Dover and Fighter command is reporting incomming aircraft.

Spitfires of 41 Squadron, Hornchurch: Take up a flight path to the Dover area Hurricanes 151 Squadron, North Weald: Take up a flight path leading just south of Ramsgate.

Stay on patrol in your area unless vectored in by the other flight or Fighter Command. Good Luck Chaps! Now Scramble!!!

I won’t make again, sorry :frowning:
Tomorrow’s the only night I managed to round up the kids to go see Dark Knight Rises at the Imax :slight_smile:

@Keets…PM sent re: date of mission

Wish I could join, I was going through my games and see I do not own IL-2 anymore just Pacific Fighters:(

I’ll be there:D


@Keets…PM sent re: date of mission

Copy that mate, was late in the day.

All, I didn’t see the “July” missions in the folder, hence assumed it was August and September.

Next mission date is actually July 11th, 1940 :o

July 11, 1940
Short Stukas and 109’s are inbound for Portland

“Don’t stand and tell, ring the bell like 'ell!!!”


Stukas escorted by 109’s have been picked up on radar headed for Portland apparently. Spits from Middle Wallop and Hurricanes from Tangmere are called upon to intercept them and prevent them from doing any damage.

Well I broke down and bought 1946. It will be here in a week hopefully will see you all next Thursday.:slight_smile:

Good man. Installing HSFX is easy… Much easier than the mod dance we used to have to do.

I’ll post up a patch order for you as well. :slight_smile:

Stats up: http://www.keets.org/eafstats/out_missdata.cfm?mission_id=306
Mission log: http://92squadron.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/scramble-scramble-if-you-can-see.html

Nice flying in challenging weather. :slight_smile: