BlackShark Pilots

Hi mates,

whats your advice about this game? Does it have a nice multiplayer server or missions?


The Campaign is Linear as are the Missions but better than LOMAC.The coms are better with the use of Data Link. Click-able cockpit is very nice ABRIS is not that complicated to use and nether is the Shkval targeting system. I find the FM pretty irritating when using the targeting system as I have not figured out how to stop the helo from rotating without the use of rudder? The Autopilot is nothing like Arcade it down right sux, your better flying without it and trimming constantly. The use of Infantry and new models for the Ground Vehicles are superb. I also like the added feature of Reconnaissance for your individual wingmen you can send them out 2km, 3km, 4km and such and they will add the detected targets to your ABRIS through the Datalink system, this is very useful as your wingmen are going to have to survive most of the time for you to accomplish your objective. As far as the game it is fairly bug free and seems to be the same engine as LOMAC. Multi player I cannot comment on as I have not played it since it is not supported by Hyperlobby.

Thank you very much for you feedback mate


Im rdy for an online test :slight_smile:

BlackShark is wonderful, but needs many, many hours studying and training.

PM me and we will set up a flight :slight_smile: Nepe is correct, this is a definite study sim if you want to learn all systems and their intricacies.

Good :slight_smile:

I just need a couple of flights to remember all the engine starting procedure (yes, I do it manual, its a big part of the sim for me)

Btw, talking about starting procedures, this is the best training lesson I have found:

USA mirror:

Russia mirror:〈=en

Thanks Nepe, I have just had the Flight Manual sent to the printers and bound, now I have a nice hardcopy. :slight_smile: Do you use DCS Max for Multi Core system? I use it and it has increased my frame rate.

Nepe, I watched the 1 hour start up procedure video:eek: and he talks about a Checklist do you have the link for this?

if someone can training me?

I ve learn only manual start procedure the Nav system is a nightmare

Osprey, yes, look here:

Wildcat, Im no expert by any means, but managed to be more or less able to fly with the nav system.

Lets meet some day in HL, maybe if we are 3 or 4 we can learn together.

If I can get the time I really want be in on it.

The learning curve is quit steep.
My own experiance is rather basic. I can start the Ka most of the time (Manual). I got the basics of TO and landing but I have had the time to learn the NAV and weapon systems.

Disclaimer: the training video I talk about here is advanced. If you are new to the ka50 better follow the DCS manual (the book I mean) procedure, and refer to this one if you want a better understanding of all systems.


if you start to fly online, Im sure Im going to buy it :smiley:


Done ehhee :smiley:



Seen this Black Shark review by a real-life (and decorated) attack helo pilot?


Great link, On that note I found this very interesting. Has anyone read ED Macys book? that rescue sounds amazing!

Man thats a lot of procedures…, but quite fun once you get the BS running for the first time :smiley:

Will take me a while to get everything.

I hope we can fly a online missions soon :slight_smile:

Just call me up Cassa :slight_smile:

Im still getting up to terms with navigation and weapons employment. Many many things ahead…last time my APU was on fire and I had no idea of what to do


yes…, Im still on accelareted startup procedures. Long way to walk still…

Where you flying with your APU on? cause you should shut it off when both engines are running.


Ahmm, no :o

I was doing a low level exercise over water…too low Im afraid, and my APU caught fire…dont ask me why :slight_smile:

Damn and I thought that the procedures are difficult to learn…, The ABRIS system is the main brain of the BS and thats difficult. But thats the fun of this, once you get it is very cool to create Flight Plans, Change routes, etc…

Enjoying it every lesson I go trough
