Advice needed from UK

Well, then I think we can book the room no matter what, sort who’ll be staying there except you and me Nepe? Should you or I do it?

I am in contact with Jimmi by sms, he is on holidays away from PC. He just told me he will stay in London Friday night, then Cambridge Saturday night.

Mikke, I will write to the B&B to see if they still have that room.

Excellent. :slight_smile:

My brother ain’t coming with us, so we will be only two. And we looked up for flight-tickets and found out that we will probably be going down on Thursday on leaving early on Sunday. (Isn’t the program the same on Saturday and Sunday?) My father have to be back in Norway to Monday 9th July at 15:00 PM.

So is it ok that we come down and take the room on Thursday maybe and then you Mikke and Nepe come on Friday? (If it is available on Thursday…)

Zhibbhi, yesterday I wrote an email to the B&B asking for availability and cost. Still waiting for reply

I wrote to them again. Mikke and Zhibbhi, you should have received a cc

Hi Nepe,

Is there space for one more foreigner in that all boys room :eek: It looks like Newmarket is the place to be on Saturday night and I’d love to spend more time with the crew?

I at least talk the local language, even if the English don’t understand Scots dialect.

I plan to fly home from Luton airport on Sunday and there is a good train service from Cambridge.


right now, I still didn’t get response from the B&B but the plan is this:

  • Thursday night: arrival of Zhibbhi and father
  • Friday night: arrival of Mikke and Nepe
  • Saturday night: arrival of Jimmi

So we are already 5 on Saturday night :frowning: But maybe it is possible to talk with them and ask if a new bed could be installed? Or maybe, because I think that weekend that B&B is a EAF only B&B :), they could give us another solution?

Anyone have experience with Ryan Air? are they late normally? can I be sure that they arrive on time? Because the arrival time is 23:10, quite late for my nerves :frowning:

Nepe, pm me the details and I’ll try and phone them to see what they can do.

It might be easier for them to do 2 rooms of 3, instead of 1 room for 5 and 1 room for 1.

I am worried in case I end up in a tent with Richy, lol.

@Nepe - We are all flying there with RyanAir…:rolleyes:

@Joe90 - You’re just the one who was missing…:roflmao:

May I suggest a phone call to Milton House by Joe, trying to summarize up all these arrivals? I’m almost sure they’ll find an accomodation, as it’s really EAF Milton Manor, over there!..:anpeace:

Total Room occupation is, up to now (I can PM you real names):

MonsTTer - 1 Triple
Wwwolf - 1 Double
Discus - 1 Quadruple
Bear - 1 Single
Il Pesca - 1 Double
Wildcat - 1 Double
Nepe & 331 - 1 Quintuple

Did anybody mention the Stables? :roflmao:

Yup Monstter, but I suppose you are not arriving, hopefully, at 2310 in the night. That is what worries me, any problem and maybe I don’t have a train to Cambridge, or even worse, the plane lands at Heathrow because I think Stansted close at midnight?

Nepe, just 2 notes:[ul]
[li]Of all possible sources of complaint about the UK, the Trasportation System is not o top of the list, so to speak, especially when thinking about Italy[SIZE=2]…:smiley: Besides, you will be able to inform the rest of 51, in position since 14.00, about any occurrence, and we’ll adopt all possible countermeasures…[/li][/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=2]Please, you and Joe, admit that I haven’t been so wrong in thinking about accomodation in advance…:rolleyes:[/SIZE][/ul]:banana:


we will talk about that if I get to Cambridge in time :smiley:

I see now that the last train frm Stantested departs at 0110,that should be enough :slight_smile:

Wildcat is the youngest & healthier…he can fetch you with a tandem bicycle, in case…:smiley:

I still have a plan B - I’ll act drunk (lol), kick one of the local police, swear in Scots, and I’ll get a nice comfy cell for the night.

Fortunately, I think WhiskeyBravo is on duty on Newmarket that night! (lol, he is in for such a hard time if we find him!)

Anyone have experience with Ryan Air? are they late normally? can I be sure that they arrive on time? Because the arrival time is 23:10, quite late for my nerves

RyanAir usually land early, sometime up to 30 minutes, even if they take off late. I guess this is because they have to turn the plane round fairly quickly to meet their takeoff slot.

Can I trust on British railways at those times on the night, or I better hire a car for the weekend (at 67 GBP) ?? what would you do

Going back to your original question Nepe, it depends on what is happening on the railway, some times they arrange weekend evenings for any work that needs carrying out on the track and it can mean the trains are cancelled and a bus put on instead.

The timing of the train is late, towards tradtional closing time, so you may have to share with some “merry” people.

As to the cost, if that’s £67 for the whole weekend, that is pretty good. if there are more in your party than just you, it may be cheaper to hire the car - providing you can still pick it up at that time.

If it were me and I was travelling with someone, I’d probably hire the car.

I phoned the Alpha Milton. Unfortunately, the proprieter speaks English as a second language, but we did manage to get a result:

Monstter (I know you’re real name) has booked for 6th and 7th:
Twin Room (twin room means 2 single beds, double room means a double bed)
Triple Room
Family room for 4

Another Italian (name not specified) has booked 6th and 7th:
Single room

Other rooms have been booked but I couldn’t get all the names off the proprieter. They sounded like Japanese names, but I couldnt press for names. I shouldn’t even have been given any of the names, data protection, etc!

Nepe, there has been NO booking for a Family room of 5.

He does have a room free for:

  • Thursday night: arrival of Zhibbhi and father (2)
  • Friday night: arrival of Mikke and Nepe (4)
  • Saturday night: arrival of Jimmi (5)

He can add one more bed into Nepe’s room for 6 to sleep (for me) for the Saturday night. It will be a very tight squeeze. Can you put up with this? Don’t worry if it is inconvenient. I will find somewhere else.

In summary:
There is one Italian double room that I could not confirm as I did not have the names. Monstter, send me all the names of the person who made the bookings and I will check.

Nepe, I can go ahead and book the room for 2 on Thursday, 5 on Saturday, and 6 for Sunday.

You can all give me the money when we meet. Costs are:

Twin room - £90
4 in room - £160
5 in a room - £180
6 in a room - £200

That’s Seyou…:roflmao:

Thanks Joe :slight_smile:

It sounds real good to me. No prob at all if it is a bit squeeze with 6. If Mikke and Zhibbhi agree, for me its ok to book.

Keets, thx a lot, useful info. I travel alone, and seems that the best way to get to Cambridge from Stansted is by coach (which I suppose is some kind of bus?)