Advice needed from UK

Trying to find my way to Duxford…

I can be on Stansted at 2310 on Friday night (given that the Low Cost airline arrives in time…)

Then I have just 2 trains (2345 and 2359) to get from Stansted to Cambridge, with 1 change.

Given that you don’t know if you will be in time, that English is not your mother language, and you never drive on the left…

Can I trust on British railways at those times on the night, or I better hire a car for the weekend (at 67 GBP) ?? what would you do?

(Thread hijack before Nepe get any answers, sorry Nepe…)

Any suggestions for hotel? I’ll probably land in Stansted early friday and leave on sunday afternoon.

Try using this…though many were already complete 3 months ago :(:

No prob Mikke. I need answer to that too :wink:

Nepe, trains in the UK are normally pretty good. Because you have the choice of two I’d say your chances are even better.

Thank you Brigs, that was one of the things that worried me. Now if only the airplane arrives in time…

…and I find a place to sleep…

All of 51 will already be in Cambridge, waiting for you, Jefe…:wink:


Seems like only one room for 5 persons is free those dates, a bit much for me alone. :smiley: Search continues…

Damn, I start to shink I need to buy a tent or something… :roflmao:

That’s what you get when you wait to the last possible moment. :rolleyes:

YEAH! Nepe

Can’t you put up a nice group with Zhibbhi’s family and Nepe? :wink:

That’s what you get when you wait to the last possible moment.

You need a good planning and intelligence officier, Boss :cool:
We have it! :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s aleady 7 years we do not meet anymore in person, my friend. (Do you rememeber Leeuwarden?)
I will be really happy if we will make it happen again this year in Duxford! :slight_smile:

I can’t comprehend it’s been that long Bear, 7 years… :eek:

I thought I maybe take that bedandbreakfast room for five persons:)

More B&B/Hotel links with Campsites near Duxford.

I think PeeGee camped near there last year.

Zhibbhi, Mikke, if we agree we should book it asap. For me its ok (but how many beds will we have?? :confused:)

1 big one? :smiley: :roflmao:

1 big for all of us + Zulu with girlfriend. :wink:

Seriously, Zulu + gf also need to find somewhere to stay, and I’m ok with that, but perhaps it’s slightly easier if it’s male only?

Either way works for me. (And no, not in a “not gay or owt” way. :p)

Jimmi is also looking for a place to stay…