Xbox 360

Anyone else taken the plundge down and bought an 360?

I’ve got Project Gotham Racing 3 and Perfect Dark Zero for it sofar.

Sorry mate, but will never, ever, go down that route… not so long as I own a pc.
Oh, that and the fact that any disposable income I have will always go towards improving the immersion factor on my flight sims!
However… If I had more money than sense I’d probably succumb just to say I had one… lol.:slight_smile:
Having played the likes of Call of Duty and Medal of Honour on my mates consoles, and then playing them on my own pc, there is just no comparison I’m afraid…

Nice one MadDog!

I’m thinking about getting one so I can do stuff with Mrs Ming or at least spend more time with her she asked me who I was and what was I doing in her house yesterday :slight_smile:

Trooper’s just jealous. Me too :slight_smile:


Not jealous you damn lunatic!.. lol.:roflmao:

Not enough money?.. now thats something else.

I’m thinking about getting one so I can do stuff with Mrs Ming

Damn, you need a Xbox for that?!? :eek: What’s the world coming to? :roflmao:

No Xbox for me, though it could be kind of nifty, for other things then playing games (hmm, that almost sound like needing it to do stuff with Mrs Ming. :roll: Now there’s an idea.).

The ultimate gaming platform will be the Personal Console. Or PC for short!



I know what I’m doing Mikke

Vibrating gamepads… :slight_smile:


:roflmao: Oh, right you are!

i’m getting one but after new year

but cod 2 will be my game
and also pgr 3