With patch 4 out is there anybody going Cliffs of Dover coming thursday 24 th october

Either a custom mission or a visit to a server. Post suggestions and tell us how many of you are available.

I’m going on a lecture (sort of) after work tomorrow, but I think I’ll be online on usual time, but will also quit on my usual time. :frowning:

With the SEOW on hold, I’m in Bob.

not Thursday, but probably I will fly a bit today Wednesday

You know I am in Bob :slight_smile:

Maybe with some coördinated attacks, like Blenheim with fighter escort :smokin:

A few of us in 92 are active in CoD on Thursdays.
Keets is going to run a COOP this thursday especially. Generally from 21:30 GMT.
Normally on a Thursday, we either run a COOP or go into ATAG.