Yesterday, due to some issues with the usual 4YA server (which was performing bug testing for ED), we tried a new one, found in the servers list.
It’s called “Wings over Normandy”, and it looked quite interesting. Instead of a series of single missions developed along a chronological order (like it is in 4YAPO), this server has a single, big mission that’s persisted along days through the DSMC mod, the same used by SIG friends and which powered the little campaign we played together several months ago.
It’s probably developed with support from some AMVI members and provides a nice “live” sandbox with, as far as we know, a bold priority given to community partecipation, through their Discord server (like, for example, the need to take “recon\bda” screenshots to share in the discord, after an attack, so that intel can be collected and confimed).
While we will gather more info about this server, I’m sure you’ll be happy to see that they have also a nice website with some basic stats system and other useful info about the logics behind it.
Let’s see if it can become a nice place for our activities!
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nice website, and interesting concept. Worth keeping an eye on them.
Hello everyone!! @51Squadron @EAF_OldBoy_Rob @Mikke
We’re going to focus on this server some of our activities in the next weeks, so I’ll write a few points to address some prerequisites and understand the key concepts behind server mechanics.
First of all, we’re asked to join the server’s discord and use our Squadron tag there.
On Discord you can set up different nicknames for each single server. Here is how to do it:
Join\enter the Discord server here: Wings Over Normandy DCS WWII
Click the server name above the channels’ list and click on the button with the pencil
Get in the “Profiles (Profili)” section, change there your nickname and click save
Then, there are some channels we’ll have to keep well observed
- Check the “readme-first” channel to get a first idea about how server works. In particular, you’ll find the link to the server website: There most useful info are found under the “Campaign Status” section.
- If you haven’t done it yet, go in the “coalition-signup” channel and type “Blue” in the chat. After a short while you should be enlisted as a blue pilot and get access to some side-reserved channels (some of the channels in the following points could, then, be not visible yet at the beginning)
- In the “sitrep” channel you’ll get a general strategic overview about frontlines situation, server restarts, ecc…
- In the “debriefing-blue” channel we must report the Battle Damage Assessment after our ground attacks. We should take a screenshot (live from the plane or also from the F10 map, with SAT view) of the target to show the situation and allow the mission makers to adjust the strategic situation consequently.
- In the “tasking-blue” channel you’ll find the strategic target in a given moment. Take it like some sort of “HQ orders”. It’s what should drive us in choosing a target for our missions.
I hope it all makes sense, please write here or drop me a DM if you have any doubt or question.
I’m also available to help you set up your Discord, if needed. 
Cheers and see you online soon!
New targets and new mission type!
From the sitrep channel on WoN Discord!
Check post above for details.