Windows 7 prices released

Worth reading the full article. :slight_smile:

I see the Pound, Euro and Dollar are all the same value sheeesh.

I`m a bit confused here. Why do we have Windows 7? what happened with Vista?

Are they for different purposes? Was Vista a major mistake? Is Windows 7 much better? Will this cause problems with other users of Vista?:confused: Guess i should read your link! :stuck_out_tongue:

Here we go… requires a clean install.
That means I’m going to go through the whole backing everything up yet again… bugger!

Ayyyy, and at your age Dave time is always an issue…:roflmao:

‘Bar Steward!’

I`m a bit confused here. Why do we have Windows 7? what happened with Vista?

You mean Visaarrrgghhhhhh

Are they for different purposes?

Yes. One works the other doesn’t. Guess which :wink:

Was Vista a major mistake?


Is Windows 7 much better?

Indeed :smiley:

Will this cause problems with other users of Vista?

Only in the wallet.

Guess i should read your link! :stuck_out_tongue:

Good place to start.

Don’t mention Vistaarrrgh to Ming <eggshells> :wink:

Magpie :slight_smile:

I`m a bit confused here. Why do we have Windows 7? what happened with Vista?

Mass hysteria induced the impressionable to believe that Vista was not for them Peacemaker. Plus it cost money of course so any problems were magnified out of proportion. Hard drive copying/writing was a bit slow early on as Vista made sure nothing was getting churned up, system RAM looked to be over-used because people didn’t appreciate that Vista was keeping applications in memory in case you needed them loaded up again in a hurry

Win7 is much more toylike than Vista, more colourful, more gadgets, dinky little glowing icons everywhere. Games run exactly the same as under Vista which isn’t surprising as Win7 is Vista

For real men and Magpie, Vista is a thoroughbred scientific workstation and did not need to be re-labelled and re-launched as Win “So different from Vista <spit!> isn’t it!” 7

No it isn’t it pretends to be XP by now using your system memory much less efficiently than the Glory That Is Vista <eggshells> :slight_smile:


Word on the street is that Windows 7 is everything that Vista should have been… but couldn’t deliver!
As for ‘real men’… well, we won’t talk about the many times we had to comfort the Emperor, who, crying in anguish was heard to scream ‘VISTAAAAAARGHH’

Interesting. Guess not getting Vista was a good idea then…:o

Word on the street

Like I said, impressionable :slight_smile:
