My pre-order went in the other day, delivery Oct 22nd from Amazon, pre-order price (Home Edition) is under 80 quid. I’m sure they can fix the glowing icons
DX11 come to Daddy
My pre-order went in the other day, delivery Oct 22nd from Amazon, pre-order price (Home Edition) is under 80 quid. I’m sure they can fix the glowing icons
DX11 come to Daddy
XP has RAM limits which never bothered me in the past
XP has RAM limits which never bothered me in the past
When you have 8GB everything changes, stuff loads like lightning, Vista uses all that spare memory to store frequently-used programs too. Virtual memory (pagefile, hard drive) will never be used again
I like MS’s cheek, they’ve got an XP emulator but you have to pay extra for that version. Right con-job
I’ve got Vista Ultimate and 12 Gb Ram, would I be better off stitching to Windows 7 as well?
What are the Pro’s for Windows 7 against Vista?
Vista Ultimate and 12 Gb Ram
Crikey, spoils of war must be
Win7 is a lighter-on-its-feet version of Vista Splash, less bloated and better for gaming
DirectX11 has support for tesselation, which automatically creates higher-resolution meshes on 3D objects so planes will look better. ATI had tesselation in hardware for years but no games used it. DX11 should encourage developers to use that feature
Thanks Ming
It’s a Microsoft OS so should be bugged as usual, I will look into it after service pack 1
Windows 7 :eek:
And i had just got Vista working tolerably
What about the stoopid icons, are they gone now?
Ordered mine today from Amazon, going to get more ram now so I have lots ready
Starting to copy things to a second H/D and download progs I will need (Win 7 ships with no browser etc so got to get them before install)
Pre-order that is Chris. Yes it is. Is.
Checking the card that they’re not charging it before Oct 22nd
Biting the bullet on Barbie buttons Ed, this OS should suit quad-core ops and i7 boards nicely. Vista: Gamers Edition