Windows 7 64bit & FFB 2 stick drivers?

Hi all
win7 won’t let me run the FFB 2 joystick setup after i installed it, i tried to change computability to XP but still it won’t run please your help
is there a solution for this?

MSFFB2 stick?

Mine runs very good under Win7 native drivers

Ah- is it the USB version?


yes USB, i didn’t check in game yet as i don’t have the game installed but i can’t open the profiller.

Mine runs with default profile, changed ‘in-game’ to suit.

Can even alt-tab out without losing FFB

win7 64bit? what drivers and win7 compatibility settings you used?

ok just tested the stick with wings of prey beta , just let the stick run on win7 drivers and it is recognized in game atlist the x,y axis rudder and throttle, question is how i profile the buttons to work in game.

installed 4.09m and game loads fine , also stick is working fine in game, same for tir3-pro, the only problem with the joystick is the profiler that lets me set keys for TS chat, looks like it won’t be a problem to find away around that.

next need to install HL, TS, and some other little programs i use like Teamspeak Display.

will update…

It’s good if you can install three versions LedZep, not to be left behind

HSFX4.1 (History Mod) for SEOW campaigns

UP2.0 for HL dogfights

Clean 4.09m for EAF dogfights


ffb2 problem solved:
i hope this will help someone in the future.

so i downloaded a small program that is called JoyToKey its a little exe that runs without installing anything on your system, and all it does is assign keyboard buttons to joystick keys\hotas keys\pov etc

can be downloaded from here:

also for further help and other program options see this thread: