Who's got an i5-2500k?

I’m looking to upgrade to an i5-2500k with an MSI P67A-GD53 Mobo. I’ve been doing some research and it looks like this CPU is very good for overclocking. I’m wondering what sort of stable overclocks you guys have been getting without resorting to super-cooling techniques.

Any EAFer with experience of this?

I’m hoping that an upgrade will cure the stutter issues I’ve had with RoF, ARMA2 and CoD - for which all my attempts have failed to fix so far.

With smooth gameplay I’ll have a better incentive to get back to regular flying.

Any help much appreciated.



What’s your current setup?

I don’t have any experience of the i5-2500k, but I’m running my i7-860 oc’d, have to get back to you with exact figures.

Due to my system problems I am also researching new pc parts :wink:

My plan was also i5-2500K but with an AsRock z68 Extreme3.
Looking at reviews Asrock seems to have bettered at quality.

Would be happy about input about the cpu aswell :slight_smile:

I’m currently running an AMD Phenom II X4 940 at 3.01GHz on an Asus M2N Deluxe Mobo. The Mobo wasn’t originally intended to run my CPU but a subsequent BIOS update allowed the Phenom II X4 to be used. I’ve never really been 100% comfortable with this and I feel my subsequent issues with RoF and CoD and other games may be a symptom of this.

I’ve tested every conceivable option to get rid of the stutters in RoF. I had temporary fixes such as a DirectX re-install but always the problem returns after a day or two. When RoF works it works great but just not consistently. I also get similar stutters in ARMA2, CoD and when watching videos. I know it’s not specifically a Gfx card issue because I’ve used three different cards to test.

I’ve convinced myself that it’s some sort of timing issue between the Mobo and CPU. I may be completely wrong but some overtime work means I have a little spare cash so I’m going for the upgrade.



I would say it might be a factor to your stuttering issue, good luck on the upgrade and hope to see you soon.


My plan was also i5-2500K but with an AsRock z68 Extreme3.
Looking at reviews Asrock seems to have bettered at quality.

Been looking at the same setuo, the AsRock has an Xfast Lan built-in thats meant to improve network latency online. Plus it can handle the PCI 3 graphic cards of the future. (with the new ivybridge cpu) X2 16 PCI for SLI.

I’ve seen 2500K OC’ed to 4.6 stable on air, with a decent cooler, and some getting up to 5.00. youtube has some vids on how-to. Its even built into the bios now.

I’d also like to get a SSD to help improve those micro stutters.

Holding off till after the xmas bills and seeing what the next CoD patch does. Runs well now with medium setting.

Ok, at my (real) computer now, as i said it’s a i7-860, it’s a 2,8GHz CPU (max turbo freq 3,46GHz) normally, but I run it at 3,8GHz (19x 200MHz). Stable except for some memory issues that pops up from time to time. Using a Artic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro Rev.2 which isn’t the best there is, but decent. With better cooling I suspect I could get up to 4GHz or perhaps a little higher. Mine’s a 45nm CPU.

Now, a i5-2500K is of course a different thing, beeing a 32nm CPU and running at a higher base frequency, what Swoop says sounds realistic, at least the 4,6GHz on air. A big +1 on also getting a SSD if you don’t have it already, not sure it would help with your stutters, but damn it makes a big difference when it comes to responsiveness in general!

I have a 2600k cpu, but honestly I never felt the need to OC it. Not for present games like CoD, BF3, etc.
The 2500k is just as fast, and with the MSI mobo you can easily OC it to 4.2GHz by simply pressing a button on the mobo.
I would get a better cooler than the standard though. I think most people reach ~4.6GHz if they go further with the OC.

I have run my cpu both standard and with OC, but the effect on my games is very small. It is the graphics card that will be the bottleneck in a 2500k system, not the CPU.

Hi WB.

I also have the i7-2600k. I’ve read that it’s the same as a i5-2500K but without the hyper threading… I run mine on stock settings and it runs all games just fine…I tried the auto tuning feature and got it to 4.4GHz and it was stable. I don’t have the stock cooler, but a semi liquid/air thing. Forgot the name, but it works fine and was easy to install.
I think th3 i5-2500 seems like a really good bargain.


Thanks for all the input chaps. Looking to put my order in this weekend. Now a little unsure about the mobo though. Think I should probably go for a Z68 board now.

Have the fun is the researching and the anticipation. :slight_smile: