Welcome Flasheart - New P/O in 602

602 mess is open to welcome EAF602Flasheart, our new P/O

Good to have you onboard :ani_beer:

Well done Flash!! :slight_smile:

Salute! :slight_smile: Congrats !!

Congratulations, well done! :w00t:

Very well done Flash. Congrats.


Great Job Flash good to see you got your wings!!:smiley: Hopfully Im next? :rolleyes:

Well done mate S!

Hey Flash, congrats! :slight_smile:

Good work mate

Congrats chap… :smiley:

Proficiat Flasheart
Well done :slight_smile:

Well done mate!

Excellent stuff, Flash. Great to see another officer in 602.

Gives us a real chance to develop more and get involved with fun squad activities (last night’s 602v92 coop was an excellent example :smiley: )

Cheers chaps (motioning virtual barmaid at the virtual Dog and Duck near the airbase, to get everyone here a round in - and a double Scotch in for Joe for totalling his ‘ghost spit’ on takeoff…:wink: )

Thanks to everyone here for the extremely warm welcome (its staying into OScar winner speech terrority here a bit) and for the training officers for putting up with my inane questions and getting me up to speed. Its been challenging but very rewarding and I hope to be a firm member of 602 for a long while - roll on Battle of Britain:Storm of War!

It’s a honour to join the fastest growing and most elite squadron of the EAF. If any of you chaps from the lesser squadrons want to put in an application to transfer to the best at 602 - I’m sure Painter might consider you…:slight_smile:

Plus not only are we the most steely eyed killers in the sky but we’re also ‘Auxiliary’ so we throw the best parties - don’t you know!

JOe - enjoyed flying on your wing last night - we did OK in 109s diving down into those mass of Spits, pulling back up and then repeating. As long as you don’t follow them for more than 1/4 turn there’s not much they can do…

I think I needed to come in closer it to you though in level flight though…

Right! have to start thinking about a custom nose-art job perhaps?

Welcome on board of the “real stuff”, mate.
I can see you got your wings, and they are working! :wink:

It’s a honour to join the fastest growing and most elite squadron of the EAF

Now that you got your wings, after such a strong and glamorus statement :eek: :eek: :eek: , you can relax :slight_smile: , and proudly enjoy your time making your tour of duty for next 3 week in all other Squadron latrines ! - :o
By the way, when you finish with other Squadrons, I am pretty sure your squadron mates will be extremely pleased if you provide a decent cleaning for EAF602 latrines too! :roflmao:

Dismissed, P/O EAF602_Flasheart! :cool:

Congrats Flasheart!!

after such a strong and glamorus statement

Just the facts…:smiley:

"[602 soon was involved in the] Battle of Britain where it soon established itself as one of the leaders finishing the conflict with the second highest total of “kills”, the lowest pilot loss rate and the longest serving squadron in the front line. "

(Slopes off to the EAF Latrines carrying a bucket and mop…):rolleyes:

Congratulations Flasheart :slight_smile:

Well done, Flasheart. :slight_smile: I`ll have a guinness.

Well done Flashheart S!

Conratulations mate on making P/O you were almost right, you have joined the best wing in EAF.

Best Squadron well we could spend hours arguing that one, look forward to seeing you in the crimean skies with us.