Welcome back mezza pugnetta!!!

Monday night it was my pleasure to fly with Cassador!

what to say!
I was really really really HAPPY!!!

Che bello ragazzi!!!
Antonio l’ho sentito l’altra sera…
Ora manca solo che ritorni il trombone di Aosta!!!
e magari che Blitz si faccia vedere un po più spesso!!!

e visto che è un bel momento per ricompattarci qualcuno provi a sentire quei lavativi di Fox e Ragman!


:slight_smile: Thank you my friend. Always a pleasure to be flying again with all of you…, I will be more often now since my job allow it :slight_smile: so its feel good to be back :slight_smile:

I hope you have plenty of rust remover for me :slight_smile:


Happy to have joined your return and thanks for a pleasant evening!


Cassa, Cassa, Cassa :slight_smile:

You know you need to get back to training after you take holidays, right? :slight_smile:

Jimmi, could you please take care of his training? And dont be mild, make him sweat :wink:

So happy to see you mate

PS- still flying DCS? :slight_smile:

i like it!

Very very very happy to have you back again!!!
It has been a pleasute to fly with you!

And… it hadn’t seemed to me that you need rust remover :wink:

@Jimmi: Do you feel lucky ??? :cool:

@Nepe: Will be a pleasure to fly on your wing again :slight_smile: and DCS is still installed :wink:

@Walty: yes I need it…, still get sick with all that boomNZoon :smiley:


Welcome back Cassador. :slight_smile:

Ciao Mezza Blitz :slight_smile:

lets drink grappa and bomb our own airfield heheh :roflmao:
