Washington DC War Memorial pics ready!

Another new picture section is online at www.eaf51.org.
This is dedicated to the US Wars Memorials of Washington DC:

  • WW2 war memorial
  • USMC “Iwo Jima” Memorial
  • Korea War Veteran Memorial
  • Vietnam War Veteran Memorial

Some of the pics (Korea and Vietnam) are very interesting, not only due to the subject and the historical environment, but by the fact tha during my stay in Washington DC I got a big snow storm all over North-East US. So I had the chance to take pictures of Washington and the memorials with snow too. Enjoy the pics. I particularly like some of them, because they bring me a lot of emotions.

You can access the as usual the same way:

  1. Go to www.eaf51.org and then go to Latest News page (direct link to the picture page)
  2. alternatively go to the pics page, then to the museum page, and therefore select the museum you wanna see

More to come in the next days: Smitsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington DC amd Arlington Cemetery.