Wargaming table

hello guys I’m try to do a cheaper wargaming table, each brick is 60X60 Cm as (Warhammer modular table it cost 200€) the mine much less :wink:
I post some pics is in WIP but you can immagine how will be finished.
For now I’m doing only plain but I’ve in my mind some nice things
Applied texturized paint


my flock

some object

Looking good, i have not got around to building my table yet.

I would strongly recommend using expanded styrene for your boards or terrain.

In the uk we have two products Polyfoam and Stryofoam they both have the convienience of lightweight that you get with polystyrene but cut much better and are far sturdier to handle.

In my city is difficult find some product but for that I’ve used polystyrene not sure (but is realy compact) only the two faces are rough

Not sure but
pro of rough the paint and glue fix better
counter you need many colours for paint it

sorry for quality of photos

I’ve lot of work to do with it but I hope for a good final results

work is gone good this is last pics maybe tomorrow will be possible paint

some more pics

Finished next step will be swamp