VR Tips


In game graphics and graphics tweaks

  • Turn down your graphics to hit 90fps as often as possible - 45 fps means the software is helping the game perform smoothly despite having a framerate between 45 and 89. Less than 45 fps is not acceptable - you will feel sick and your eyes will fatigue. The game may flicker blue (due to steamvr).

  • The dynamic resolution factor scales your resolution with respect to framerate, not GPU usage. This means that in a scene that uses lots of CPU (like having lots of planes in the air) your resolution will be reduced - despite the GPU still not being fully utilized. I’d recommend keeping this settings off.

  • Turn off anti-aliasing. I know you want it on, but it will hurt your performance, reduce the screen clarity (harder to spot, harder to read guages etc etc). AA is not very good in VR. Use supersampling instead (guide is below, in the steamvr.vrsettings section). If you’ve enabled supersampling, you’re still having good performance and you’re still unhappy with speckling/aliasing - THEN turn on anti-aliasing.

  • Sharpening (in game graphics menu). This will aid in spotting, but may introduce speckling, shimmering lines, aliasing and other weird looking things. Keep this off unless you’re really struggling to spot enemies. Performance impact is minimal.

  • Resolution: Turn the resolution down to 800x600 (or possibly lower, hit enter to log in if the mouse can’t move across enough). The mouse will be able to move across the whole screen once you get past the login screen. This won’t change the resolution you see in game, but it will improve performance (particularly on older GPUs).

  • Turn off your Hud (H): Once in game, turn off your hud by pressing the “H” key for a good performance boost. You can enable plane icons (and objective icons) by pressing " i "

  • HDR: I’d recommend you keep this OFF - but the performance hit is marginal. In my opinion the game looks worse with it turned on when in VR.

  • If you want better terrain details (regardless of your graphics settings in game) and you don’t mind a large performance hit then follow this guide: https://forum.il2stu…-and-visibilit/

Steamvr.vrsettings file @ C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config

        By default the file will look like this:

“steamvr”: {
“mirrorViewGeometry”: “0 0 960 540”

       Delete this and copy paste


“collisionBounds”: {
“CollisionBoundsColorGammaA”: 0,
“CollisionBoundsColorGammaR”: 255
“steamvr”: {
“mirrorViewGeometry”: “0 0 960 540”,
“forceFadeOnBadTracking”: false,
“renderTargetMultiplier”: 1.3

  • The collision bounds section removes the blue ring below you

  • RenderTargetMultiplier applies supersampling (like anti-aliasing, but improves clarity and reduces aliasing at the cost of performance)

This supersamples the game (to 1.3x it’s default resolution. 1.7x more pixels!). You can change the value to whatever you like. More supersampling = greater clarity, but performance will decrease exponentially. Keep the value under 1.5. 1.0 is default, no supersampling.

Higher settings for supersampling will result in better visual quality across the board. HOWEVER the current system means that your ability to spot enemies will be reduced for settings above 1.0. 1.3 is a happy medium between maximum quality (1.5ish) and maximum spotting (1.0). While this setting does degrade performance significantly, it’s better to play at 90fps on LOW and 1.3x than 90fps on Ultra at 1.0x in my opinion.

  • ForceFadeOnBadTracking “false” removes the grey screen when looking around, or grey flashes at certain angles. It is due to steamvr detecting “bad tracking” (And causing errors on Rift DK2/CV1 headsets).

3rd Party Tools:

This allows you to set supersampling on a per-game basis. And has some other neat features. For Rift users.

I hope this helps -> If you find anything else useful please post it below. I will update this post with more useful information as it becomes available.

15/4/17 - Re-arranged steamvr tweaks, added in collision boundry settings, added 3rd party tools section - terrain settings link
14/4/17 - Added resolution (in game settings) - updated anti-aliasing entry - added hud and HDR entries

Going to give these a try and report back.

Smooth as butter with these. 800x600, low settings and all the recommended above. Looks the same as DCS, but smoother.

Now to tweak.

I left it on the settings I had. Works nicely :slight_smile:

Good to hear OD, mind you I’d didn’t like the blue circle below you. This is gone with these settings.

I’ve upped it to Balanced and with everything turned up in game and it looks great. Getting a “twitch” now and again with the view which is a shame, not sure if it’s a graphics or a camera thing.

Anyway, I’ve always disliked the muted colour in the Rift but found this which works well to improve it, just needed the same cable type as the rift to plug into my monitor. (display port?) -

It is possible to apply “monitor” color settings to the Rift (NVIDIA and AMD)
submitted 6 months ago by jdcrozier
There was a post in the iRacing forums about applying “monitor” color settings to the CV1-- I didn’t think this was very common knowledge here so I wanted to share what I learned/discovered! A user named Szabolcs described the process, which I’ve outlined below:

  1. Plug a monitor into the display port that you normally plug your Rift into. It can be the same monitor that you normally use-- I simply unplugged mine and plugged it into the port I use for my CV1
  2. Adjust color settings through your GPU driver. Szabolcs had an NVIDIA card, but I found out how to do basically the same thing through AMD
    NVIDA: NVCP -> Resolution Settings -> Select HDTV -> Set output dynamic range to “Full.” Then, NVCP -> Adjust desktop color settings -> Select HDTV -> Use NVIDIA settings -> [adjust settings to your preference]
    AMD: Radeon Settings -> Preferences -> Radeon Additional Settings -> My Digital Flat-Panels -> Display Color -> [adjust settings to your preference]

This worked!!! much more colourful!!

If you’re having issues with the sensors, - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Inateck-Superspeed-Ports-PCI-E-Expansion/dp/B00B6ZCNGM

Plus I’ve just download this to help with supersampling, which is better than AA as it makes things blurry in VR, the Oculus Tray tool - https://forums.oculus.com/community/discussion/47247/oculus-traytool-supersampling-profiles-hmd-disconnect-fixes-hopefully