and I successfully had my Reverb G2 to work really smooth with OpenXR.
Question, do you know how to recover those 30° of missing view due to the reduced FOV?
Apparently Neck Saver doesn’t work with these libraries (just SteamVR)…
Nope, been looking and its a steam thing. A swivel chair is meant to help and a wingman!
Tried knocking my G2 from 90 hz to 60 (in WMR) and I can get it really smooth without reprojection on the Channel map. In the Toolkit I have it at 80% of res and openXR @100% res and MR off.
Any CPU is a bottleneck with DCS, at least until multi core support is implemented. I don’t think you’d see much improvement following an upgrade (I gained very little going from a 4790K @4.7GHz to a 12700K @ 5.1GHz).
In general, though, the 5800x3D seems to be the best gaming CPU and that should apply to VR, too (thanks to its 3D cache), but it loses to Alder Lake CPUs on any other benchmark, I think.
Agree, at the moment best CPU for VR is the 5800X 3d, the cache seems to be the real game changer. We are talking about 15% improvement over a normal 5800X that is one of the top CPU for VR so it’s good. But You have Intel so You gonna change Motherboard and probably RAM so no worth it. Wait for AMD next generation (first days September) that will be at least 25/30% faster. If You gonna change MB and RAM do it with a purpose, 4 or 5 years of support from AMD.
è un modo come un’altro di raffreddare il mio vecchio i7 e pomparlo fino a 5.2GHz.
sono in pratica 3 radiatori: collegati tra loro in serie tramite tubo flessibile 10/13mm.
ci sono in totale 6 ventole ARCTIC BioniX P120
il serbatoio e pompa + waterblock sono della corsair (erano montati nel cabinet prima della modifica)
sul top del serbatoio ci sta un piccolo indicatore di flusso (mi serviva quando era tutto nascosto per essere sicuro che il liquido fosse in movimento)
il frame (all’inizio era di legno) l’ho realizato con profilati da 300mm mod 2020. Ho usato degli angolari per fissare i radiatori.
per puro caso le dimensioni ben si sposano con le dimensioni del cabinet ( Thermaltake Level 20 VT)
il montaggio a Totem permette di giungere solo con giusto due tubicini sul processore: così è piu facile, qualora dovessi sostituire MB e processore, ripristinare il cooling.