Voice Attack

Hi all,
I’m starting to make some progress with Voice Attack, I finally got the time to sit down and play with it yesterday. Voice Attack itself is pretty straight-forward and simple. It will translate a command that you speak into a keypress or presses. It can be made to use logical arguments to cope with different situations too, so it’s very versatile.

At the moment I have got it to:
[ul][li]Raise and lower landing gear[/li][li]Change TS profiles[/li][li]Launch DCS from Windows[/li][li]Switch between modes in the Harrier[/li][li]Lock targets with the Maverick[/li][li]Fire Missiles [/li][li]Cage/Uncage the Maverick[/li][li]Bring up the kneeboard, change pages and mark position[/ul][/li]
I think there are others, but I can’t remember…too sleep deprived. One of the best aspects of it is using it for comms with the AI. There is a DCS specific plugin for this, but I have not been able to get it to work yet due to it not picking up DCS in my Windows registry. This is my fault and I don’t want to uninstall DCS to fix it, so I’m just leaving it for the time being. This adds a whole other level of immersion though.

It’s worth a download of the 21-day free trial then deciding whether you like it. Just to add, it can be used for anything, including Cliffs or BoX. It will work with any software.


Do it works even with women?

Do it works even with women?

Few things do consistently.

It might help offset the increasingly erratic behaviour of my G940 throttle…

I’m now able to interact, albeit crudely, with the radio comms. The more I work on my profile the better it is getting in terms of this though. I have gone through full start-up, landing and JTAC processes now without a wrong button press - a constant problem in VR previously - and I’m hoping that it will help with in-flight refuelling as I won’t have to let go of the stick to find buttons to press. I’ve started to see the DCS add-on working - kind of - except that it still doesn’t detect my DCS install, so it’s not working quite right yet. Once 2.5 Stable release is out I will reinstall the plugin and see if it works then.


I got VA to help with Star Citizen and all the button presses but haven’t used it since. I’ve got most of my buttons sorted, except startup, fuel probe and comms…plus new stuff to come. For the comms do you just call out comms, then F10, F3 etc? Haven’t looked at the DCS addon as you I have DCS on a different drive from C:

PS my canopy isn’t opening now on the Harrier?

Along those lines, yes. I have made some of the commands bypass that though. With the JTAC I prefer to still call radio so that I can see what command I have to give next as I don’t use it that often. The more I get used to it the more I like it though. I’ve made a Harrier and Viggen Profile, I’ve found that the Harrier one works for the Mirage 2000 too.


Been an update for the Harrier Swoop, you need to unlatch canopy now



Hi all,
I’ve developed my profile some more and it is now more like talking to someone that just repeating key presses. I’m able to link commands and make chains of them, so that they fit together. I’m also starting to standardise key presses where I can across the aircraft that I have been flying - apart from the Viggen…because it doesn’t really match up at all. However, the Harrier, F-5E, Mirage 2000 have got some similarities in the controls that they have available. It’s really starting to come along as a profile and it has freed up a button on my stick, so I can go back to a PTT for TS3; so no one has to hear me coming out with commands anymore!

It’s dead easy to set up and, as usual, there are loads of tutorials out there. The one below is the one that I have found most helpful:
