Voice actors for DCS Spitfire video competition - DEADLINE 29 January

Hi chaps! I’m attending the official Spitfire release video competition for fun and perhaps to win a module I can gift away to anyone who lacks a Spitfire!

I need voice actors! Sorry for the short notice.

Can interested people please sign up here and I will give you lines within a few days.


Narrator: reading 331 squadron ORB report of 23rd january.
Personal report of a pilot who shot down a FW-190.
Pilots, comms, combat
Radar operator / Home Chain

Hope to get some help and see you on the film screen. :cool:


Yep, happy to help out Stuntman.

Just send the script over!

Vortex and to others, I’m still interested in voice actors. I had to deliver early due to the competition, but a final version for the foundation itself will come. For that I appreciate all help from interested voice actors.

Still available mate!