Finally, with some help from Philstyle, can start and fly the Viggen. Then, with some help from YouTubers, have cracked inputting my own waypoints and starting to use the radar.
Still need to be able to correct for drift, but that’s the next set of lessons for me to get to work on. It’s a really powerful aircraft once you get the hang of it. I’ve yet to fire any of the big stuff, and don’t seem to have the correct keys assigned for the Mavericks yet, but that’s another thing to sort out. Then I’m going do some supersonic tank-busting!
There’s a nice quick-start mission included with the Normandy map now, ship attack flying a Viggen in a group of 4 (loaded with RB-04E) together with a group of Tornados. A simple way to get to fire off some heavy stuff.
Starting (from cold), taking off and landing I found easy to do in the Viggen, but I haven’t had time to get down to the nitty-gritty of setting waypoints etc or using the weapons in an efficient way.
It is much easier than you think. Find your target go to the F10 map get coordinates punch them in/out (reverse order East/West first)in your Nav data Keypad Choose Waypoint for target example B5 In/Out. Turn Nav Data Selector to (TAKT) Punch in 9 In/Out, then B5 In/Out (Turns it to target point M5.) Punch in 921 then LS/SKU In/Out, turn Weapon Selector knob to ATTACK, Take Trigger Safety off. Make sure you are set for Attack point M5 fly to target and let them rip and enjoy the fruits of your labor.