USAF Fighter Stories

“USAAF Fighter” stories by Ian McLachlan first published in 1997, reissued in 2012

Bought this at a book stall for £3.99, good value for the money,

18 true life illustrated accounts about US Army Air Force flying from England During WW2, Some stories are the result of detailed research into aviation crash sites, others the memories of those who survived the war and wrote home to loved ones at the time.

Some very interesting stories in this book, also an insight into there personal live’s ,but not enough about the actual dogfighting which I was hoping to read about

Some interesting notes “I closed in to about 300yds with 20 degrees deflection and fired a long burst with excellent results one landing gear fell down and he creamed in” he was flying the P-51D with the K-14 gunsight he also gives further accounts at 400yds, and in all case’s of the accounts in the book it’s with API.

If you see it for a couple o quid it’s good reading, but not worth the £19.99rrp
