TS notifier in COD

To get the one who’s talking on teamspeak in an info window in Cliffs of Dover:

Copied this from the ATAG forum:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\TeamSpeak Integration Plugin

copy the correspondent plugin (32 bit or 64 bit -depends if u have win32 or win64)

to your TeamSpeak3 instalation and in there there is a folder named plugins, place it there.

Then, on TS, go to options ->plugins and hit reload if clod plugin is not showing.

After that just launch the game.

When you spawn in right click monitor and choose to create a new window. Look on the right for the Teamspeak option and activate it, by highlighting and choosing <- arrow to move it to left.

After this is normal window customization, meaning, you can choose the alpha background, name it, move it around (press left alt and left click on top of it to drag).

Easy when you know how :cool:

It’s in the readme too

Cheers Pax, just set this up and hopefully its working!!

I setted it twice and lost setting twice…
thinking to use something else…

what do you suggest?
ts overlay

I set it up with Jimmi. But now I have a grey box that I can’t get rid of. Any ideas how I can remove this box?

Alt - right click on the box, select close

did you make sure you move the dll to the ts addon folder and also that it is active in TS.
Also make sure it is active everytime you update TS.
I’ve used the CoD TS overlay faultlessly since the patch came out.
I use it because for some reason I cant get TS notify to work in CoD