Topsy's Sim Kit test in DCS - new video

At last managed to shoot a video showing me in cockpit and the screen in front so that we can see the controls and flight at the same time.

What’s amazing is that having crashed 100’s of Spitfires in DCS while trying to master t/o’s and landings using my TM Hotas X flight stick, with my Spit Sim kit I have been able to make several t/o’s & ldg’s in a row without even banging a wing ! Quite a feat for me !

If you watch the vid you’ll see I did an almost perfect 3-point landing, a feat which I am able to repeat quite often.

OK, OK I know it’s my gear ! But it has really changed my life in DCS, which I can now start to enjoy rather than fear making a balls-up !

Nice to put a face to the voice Topsy

Cracking vid mate,get his shared to all the other forums I’m sure once people have seen this word is gonna get around

(ps I can do it for 10% commission:roflmao:)


How about 10% off on your personal Spitfire kit !

Great video! commented and shared on the italian team fusion fan page!

Great vid Topsy!
You are better narrator than Morgan Freeman :wink:

Looks great…can’t wait to get ma hands on it mate { don’t care about the price lol }

Posted this in the BOS forums :slight_smile:

Posted it in the DCS World Group on Facebook :slight_smile:

Very nice presentsation and the gears seems to be working well.

Watching you, made me proud of OTU’s behalf.
You did a lot of control checks and checks of the enviroment before talking off.


@ Puff

Sent you a PM. Will post a short video showing your control column gooseneck fitting being printed !

Production underway !

All the best Topsy