Topsy's latest Spitfire controls update

Hi all,
Topsy’s not dead, though we’ve not been able to get hold of him! He’s just posted his latest update about his replica Spitfire controls…


I wonder who the ‘friendly’ pressure is coming from to develop the right hand side of the cockpit lol :o:o

Hi Guys,

I’m alive and well and busy as you can see. Apologies for being “off the air” for a few days but my excuse was a 4 day sailing competition in the South of France where we spent most of the day on the water and the evenings were filled up with festivities (hic!) plus another 4 days with my wife for the inauguration of her friends art residence stuck up on a hill in the middle of nowhere, St Laurent de Treves for those who want to do some map reading. Impressive countryside and I could imagine flying our Harriers up the narrow valleys (snif!). Anyway the artists and actors did their stuff and we got back to civilisation on Monday night after a 6 hour drive so was too knackered to fly.

My post already got 346 views on 79vRAF blog, so big thanks to OD and the rest of you for your support. I hope orders don’t come piling in too quickly so that I can get some flying in and have time to design the right hand cockpit.

In the meantime i’m giving up using my Spitfire controls to fly the Harrier. Its not impossible, but not having HOTAS simply adds to the workload at critical moments, so i’ll be interchanging with my TM Hotas X kit when flying jets. Luckily my Spit controls can be removed in seconds and the TM gear installed just a quickly (plug !). The only issue is with my brain trying to remember how I configured the controls for each kit.

We’re up to 467 now :slight_smile: