
C’è un invito a darsi da fare… in Africa!

Seyou: guidaci alla vittoria (o alla disfatta :eek: ) :roflmao:

O Tobruk o morte!!!


602 will enjoy any missions we get to fly against our 51 friends.

This DCG looks very good, and it is my first time hosting it so please be patient as I press buttons all over the place!

I edited the planeset and deleted the CR42, and added the MC200 hoping that some of you would be tempted :slight_smile:

I also had to delete the Spitfire to be historically accurate :frowning:

We’ll have a tough time holding back Rommel (especially with 51 flying) but that’s how it was! Let’s hope our ground defences are up to the task.

I’ll be recording progress and keeping statistics in the 602 public forum HERE

Unfortunately, I can only host 8 players at one time, sorry.

Joe, puoi fare hostare a qualcun altro!

Wolf, if I send the mission generated by DCG to another host, how do I then get the results back into my DCG/IL2 database to track progress of the campaign?

If this is possible then I will do it.

If you know how, please explain in English because I use Babel Fish to translate and it is not very good.

Sorry, I can not speak Italian

…ho scritto a Joe che si puo’ organizzare domani sera…il macchi200 mi piace un sacco!!!

intanto scriviamo chi e’ disponibile domani


Presente, per le skin, non so se riesco a fare in tempo…

Io sono via fiono a lunedi (sigh!) :frowning:
Buona caccia! :cool:

…chip Scherzavo Figurati:d

Skin downloads will need to be off on Thursday to save bandwidth :frowning:

I think that if we all have all the skins in the right paintschemes folders then this does not affect the bandwidth :smiley:

I will test this.

602 also want to use desert skins for our faithfull but slow Hurricanes.


Thanks Seyou and Chip for flying tonight. I only meant to pop in and test the DCG and we ended up flying for hours!

I made one mistake and put an extra MC200 squadron in the Luftwaffe! It is corrected now and I have made the Italian MC200 squadron ‘active’ and should therefore always be there. The other Axes squadrons are random.

Results for both missions are stickied HERE

Seyou, I hope we can sort your connection problem :frowning:

Thx Joe…dont worry for my connection…i did couple of mission after and everything works well…probably was my videocard…lets see tomorrow.:slight_smile:
anyway very fun…S!

presenti stasera ore 21.30:

Thanks to all for flying tonight.

It was a lot of fun.

Again, sorry for messing up the DCG and having to restart. I was under stress because this is my first time. I think it is all sorted now. I don’t want Seyou to lose his first promotion and medal!


The good news is that I will upgrade my bandwidth for next week, so we can have custom skins. I know Chip and Painter have some treats for us!

Thx to you Joe for you effort on this project that is really fun:w00t: :w00t:
Be ready cause anytyime i will get you online i will stress you to fly:D :smiley:

hmmm, Tobruk? against 602? we get all your scotch if we win? I could be in then :wink: