To the kind attention of...T/Os...

Further info from Seyou, Wildcat & Arturoโ€ฆ



Thanks to Seyou, Wildcat, Arturo, and all guys who kept 109s busyโ€ฆ

Great job, MonsTTer! :w00t:

Seyou - step by in EAF310 officerโ€™s mess, Guinness is waiting for You! (Seyou kept 2 Bf109 busy while we shooted at He111โ€™sโ€ฆ:o )

Must say: both missions were perfect!! A lot of tension, a lot of fun! Thank you all !!!

wow, what a fantastic mission :slight_smile: Congratulations Monstter!:smiley:

excellent results!:w00t:

Thank you very much, Henkie!

I think that flying with you before โ€œwarmed me upโ€, and gave me enough confidenceโ€ฆ

Thanks again for your patience! :banana: