Testing special characters

No, not people! :roflmao:
?? ?? ??
@ ?

51? stormo ’ *??[]

no not working yet!

Not really done anything so far, just testing to try to understand the reason, when I get time I’ll try to find a way to sort it. Think it might have to do with the character setup on the server and the forum being a mix.


I wrote the webmaster but it has not solved. :frowning:

Ok, does it work? åäö Å Ä Ö


però avrà continuità è possibile che sia perché il papa non è rè e il ré non è papà!?

It works fine!!!


àèìòù@ calamità, però, caucciù, martedì, ma che dè?

Now works, Thank you.

attività, cioè, pipì, produrrò, caucciù ìèòàù ùàòèì.

Checking if avatar works, and it seems to be working for some at least…

Avatar don’t work.

This is the only avatar (notice the smile of satisfaction …) I can see now