Technical problem, engine cutting out, ending in ditch. P-51 at Flying Legends 2017

Posted this link on our FB and Jimmi wanted me to post it on the forum as well. Quite interesting I think.

Nice Mikke Ty!

I watched the whole interview last week, very interesting.

Yeah. I really liked the way they think.

For added immersion we should maybe include the management of some technical failures in the OTU syllabus. We already suffer engine overheats and running out of fuel, but I don’t recall any training on landings without pneumatics, without engine, or techniques like best glide speed, how to calculate engine off distance, the issue as in the video about when and when not to lower landing gear, when not to engage turns, etc, etc. Most of us barley manage to take-off and land in a straight line and we rarely train for crosswinds, we nearly always fly in good visibility and maybe we should also train in low viz and at night as well.
All above is subject of course to what conditions we are likely to find in campaign servers and how “precious” the aircraft are.
My halfpenny worth :-/

The mandatory course is made with the Wings requirements in mind and cut down to a minimum.
Even with this there have been complaints and pressure to get trainees approved.

All to often our trainees tend to be more interested in the ACM part of the the wiki than in good airman ship.

The Wings can arrange further training themself and OTU have an obligation to assist if possible.

Emergency combat procedures are logic and fairly easy to understand and I use them myself, but they have no meaning unless people care for their virtual life or saving an aircraft for further use.

Some time i asked trainees to cut the engine and bring down the plane… But it was on random basics… (could be a standard joke we ask training to perform!)

For 51 pilots you are allowed to hit hard and make them earn their wings!