This will have to cram into a TS thread not to spam the forum but it may be important to someone trying to track down mysterious Vista problems down the line…
Vista maintains links to earlier operating systems’ applications like TS/Il-2 - everything
It does this by maintaining Junction Points
This system looks to be broken by/for installer scripts and might account for unexpected behaviour after installing Vista and legacy kit starts misbehaving
I found out about this at the Creative User forums, where there is a fix.
A Junction Point is a physical location on a local hard disk that points to another location on that disk or another storage device. It is essentially a shortcut, thus the shortcut icon on Junction Point folders in Windows Vista.
For the most part, you can ignore Junction Points for everyday use of Windows Vista. The Junction Points are in Vista for backward compatibility of pre-Vista applications. Pre-Vista applications (applications written for XP and 2000) look for folders that are no longer used in Vista. Folders with the “My” prefix such as My Documents, My Pictures, and so on. There are also folders in your user profile that have been changed in Vista, and pre-Vista apps might be looking for the old folder structure during installation. If you don’t set the option to Show Hidden Files in Windows Explorer, you will rarely even see the Junction Point folders.
Slightly more technical info from Microsoft
Junction Points in Windows Vista
In Windows Vista and Longhorn Server the default location of user data has changed. An example of this change is the documents and Settings directory. It was moved from “%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings” to “%systemdrive%\Users”. To enable interoperability with legacy apps junction points are used at the deprecated locations and point to the new locations in Windows Vista. For example C:\Documents and Settings is now a junction point which points to C:\Users. Backup application in Windows Vista and Longhorn Server must be capable of restoring junction points
These junction points have file attributes of FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM and the ACL’s are set to “Everyone Deny Read”. Applications that call out a specific path can traverse them provided they have permissions. However attempts to enumerate the contents of these junction points will result in failures. It is important that backup applications do not traverse these junction points to keep from backing up data more than once and also because these junction points could lead to cycles.
Worth checking out if you’re (or have been) experiencing problems as a new Vista user. Yes you will be
A utility to restore the junction points is there in the thread referenced
Disclaimer: only possibly-incorrect advice is this, take it or leave it and no one’s holding a gun to your head to run any utilities
But as an example, I asked EA Support how to backup my electronic download and they told me to copy out the contents of a Vista folder that I don’t have…