Targetware anyone?

Hi there mates!

I was wondering if some of the EAF pilots already tried Targetware (Target:Rabaul) and are willing to fly it a bit online.
I did not try the mission builder yet but I thought we could open a private server where we do some team air combat. Some IL2 pilots I know are also interested in trying this, of course it depends on when everyone has time but that we just have to try out. Probably the first lessons would be about configuring and getting familiar with how things work there, experience shows that this can take quite a while in this game, especially since it is still beta and some things are a bit rough around the corners :slight_smile: So we could fire up a voice comms server and meet there. We use Ventrilo ( as that one works best on everyone’s hardware.


yes I am

however I dont have much time to be online, so better tell us when the meeting will be and I will try to be there.

Btw, whats your opinion about Targetware flight models?

Thx for the offer :slight_smile:

I like Targetware’s flight model more than IL2’s, simply because they model the important things regarding air combat better than IL2 and at the same time feel nice: energy fight is possible, not only BnZ. I can’t comment much on how much the “peak” performance numbers are correct but I don’t care much about that anyway. The flight model in TW itself, however, models many things nicely which are off in IL2: as opposed to IL2, you get an impression of how much torque a x-thousand hp engine can throw at you, especially when you think that throwing the plane around at slow speed and flat out power would be a good idea. At slow speed, the planes actually accelerate as they should and not in an exaggerated fast way like in IL2 where you can hang on the prop at stall speed and still get almost same climb as at supposedly best climb speed. Furthermore, aircraft in TW actually do bleed energy when you throw them around like crazy. And you actually have to fly coordinated (ball centered) to get better performance in maneuvers or to fly faster. In other words, the balance between gaining, losing and needing energy while maneuvering is more spot on in TW than in IL2 where either you come in with alt advantage and BnZ all day or you pull as hard as possible with flaps and hope that your opponent gets bored first and does a mistake like stalling for a fraction of a second.


thats what I wanted to hear :wink:

looking forward for that TG session

DL-ed it.

Havent had time to set it up properly but it definitely got another feel to it. And I like it :banana:

I will try to take part in the onlinething too.:smiley:

I’ve tryed it and liked it!
I will reinstall it whenever i have time and join the party :smiley:

Good news!
i found it works under linux!
it should work with the TIR vector expansion!

Well, I´m not sure you will need vectors :slight_smile:

It has enhanced mode and it somehow feel more natural than in IL2. Turning the head automaticly lean the pilot…sort of. And looking out the side and UP automaticly rises the head above the blocking struts…sort of :o

In all, a very nice game but unfortunately without the fantastic graphics and maps of IL2.

OK Target Rabaul Up and running!
now i need some more practice…


Someone tested Target Tobruk??
they included Spit and Hurri. Im still downloading and will test it today.

some impressions from yesterday flying.
Keep in mind it is beta and a community product.
There is no eyecandy like Il2.
landscape,clouds,water are poor compared to Il2
3D models look good eypecially the new ones.
Cockpits vary alot.

The FM seems very good, maybe suporior to Il2 on some parts.
For Example, when shutting down the engine inflight you going down way faster than in Il2. It feels more like you flying a heavy warbird than a glider.
Starting and landing is quit difficult and depends on plane. Spitfire has difficult start, because of powerful engine and close wheels.
Hurricane is easier.
The faster you are the heavier the controls react.

Engine management seems to be more complex and effective but i couldnt map all the keys and check it really.

You have to change the fueltanks when one gets empty.

Nice is Shift+F3 to see whats activ, at what RPM engine is running what fueltank is used, how heavy plane is at the moment, how many ammunition is fired, flaps , temperature ,radiator etc. etc. …

Sounds are the same like cockpits, vary alot in quality.
The sound of the engine seems to be linked to the speed?
When changing Power, the sound just gets louder or quieter.
It feels wrong IMO compared to Il2.

Ground objects has no collision included yet.
No lightsource yet, so no shadowing.

Saw that TT has a new patch including P47 and Fiesler Storch which is just a sweet plane :smiley:
here i ruined my engine, because i did a too long dive with it :slight_smile:

109 and 190 are WIP and hopefully come soon :slight_smile:

Great news!

Hope they add the collision model asap!!!

It’s a nice game, maybe i will reinstall it soon!

Focke Wulf 190 is now included :slight_smile:

i wil try it asap!!!

Installed it for a quick go, i’ll hop to try it more in depth next weeks!

Just tryed it for the first time and i love it. I have downloaded the WW1 sim and it takes some getting used to but the rotating ammo drum when you fire and the moving rotary are nice touches:D Now how do i start to skin these things:)

Hi Aceman,
I tried Richthofens Skies too, and its really hard. No Trim:p
Some time ago i met some online and we tried a dogfight, it took sooooo long.
It was real work against the torque and try to get something infront of you.
And you have to hit alot to get enemy down :wink:

ok, look at the Targetware forums mate.
The Skins are in *.dds format but you can also use *.tga

New WIP at Target Tobruk
the model just looks amazing

a new P51D model in the works