Switching between 4.04m, 4.05m, and 4.07m automatically

Hamselv2 posted this in the Ubizoo:

This post describes how to setup your game to be able to easily switch between game version 4.04m, 4.05m and 4.07m.
The method uses the ‘bat file principle’, and has been delivered to me on a silver platter by PE_Tihi.

To make this work you will need:

a) working installation of 4.05m, with 4.04m files available.

b) working installation of 4.07m.

I will remind you that you should ALWAYS make a backup of all your files/installation folders before doing something like this !

Below is PE_Tihi’s own description, with my very small editions/additions:

Copy from your 4.07m installation:


and change extensions to .407 ;now move them into your old 4.04/4.05 installation.

Copy the above named files out of the version 405, and change the extension to .405

You need this file, too:


out of the version 404
Change the extension to .404

Now copy without any changes from 4.07m installation:


as well as all folders, except the folder Users, to your old 4.04m/4.05m install. Only overwrite User folder if you backup of your keyassignment.

Now you will need 3 bat files.
Open Notepad or Wordpad and make txt files named:


Copy these lines into the 404.txt file:

DEL files.SFS
DEL il2fb.exe
DEL mg_snd_sse.dll
DEL mg_snd.dll
DEL il2_corep4.dll
DEL il2_core.dll
COPY files.404 files.sfs
COPY il2fb.405 il2fb.exe
COPY mg_snd_sse.405 mg_snd_sse.dll
COPY mg_snd.405 mg_snd.dll
COPY il2_corep4.405 il2_corep4.dll
COPY il2_core.405 il2_core.dll

Copy these lines into the 405.txt file:

DEL files.SFS
DEL il2fb.exe
DEL mg_snd_sse.dll
DEL mg_snd.dll
DEL il2_corep4.dll
DEL il2_core.dll
COPY files.405 files.sfs
COPY il2fb.405 il2fb.exe
COPY mg_snd_sse.405 mg_snd_sse.dll
COPY mg_snd.405 mg_snd.dll
COPY il2_corep4.405 il2_corep4.dll
COPY il2_core.405 il2_core.dll

Copy these lines into the 407.txt file:

DEL files.SFS
DEL il2fb.exe
DEL mg_snd_sse.dll
DEL mg_snd.dll
DEL il2_corep4.dll
DEL il2_core.dll
COPY files.407 files.sfs
COPY il2fb.407 il2fb.exe
COPY mg_snd_sse.407 mg_snd_sse.dll
COPY mg_snd.407 mg_snd.dll
COPY il2_corep4.407 il2_corep4.dll
COPY il2_core.407 il2_core.dll

Change the file extension to bat (instead of txt) for all files so that you now have these 3 files:


Put all 3 bat files into your 4.04m/4.05m game folder.

Create a shortcut on your desktop to all 3 bat files, click on one of the shortcuts to choose game version, click your normal game shortcut - and off you go.

:confused: To much messing around for me… I’m just going to install the DvD and thats it, I’m not arsing around!
I’ll fly with you all again when we are all on the same version…
I know if I start swapping files around I’ll just 7uck something up… (happened last time and lost all my pilots records and campaigns):mad:

Seen it. Actually this is much easier than the Daemon routine mentioned in another thread. Thanks, Mr. PlaceHolder.:stuck_out_tongue:

There is an easier way


Install these files into the main IL2 directory. Create a 407 folder within the Mods folder that has been copied there. Copy the relevent 407 files to the newly created folder and
you can then switch between installs at the click of a button.

Peacemaker, I’m not sure the above solution or the JSGME method will get around the CD protection. These routines move the new IL2fb.exe in and out also which is copy protected.

Once I’ve got me hands on the elusive 1946, I’ll update the JSGME download to switch between 405 and 407

I’m hoping the download versions of these patches will contain a work around. As the d/l exe can’t possibly contain a cd check.

So far Brigs I’ve installed 1946 in its own folder and I’ll keep the DVD in and switch logons (to the two installs when at HL) with the hold-down-keys trick while connecting to Hyperlobby

Both installs are nearer 5GB than 4GB though so hopefully the old version can be deleted eventually

We need the backdoor trick on the new HL version to be noted somewhere for mass panic scenarios

Something like

join //EAF92_Brigstock

on the HL chatline to join Brigstock’s game?


The tool Brigstock posted is a very good one I know from the SilentHunter3 Modding.

I found another Tool in the german ubi-forums which will let you switch between 4.04m 4.05m and 4.07m, copying all needed files. So only one install needed.

no time to test it yet :wink:
will report soon

Ok, very easy to use!!

Install it into your Il2 directory and it will put 3 folders for the versions in your Il-folder.
It creates 3 Desktop-icons:

“Switch 4.04m”
“Switch 4.05m”
“Switch 4.07m”

By clicking one it will load the necessary files into your game, and voila!
I have no 4.07m yet, so i could ust test with 04 and 05.

hehe, its the method placeholder posted,but auto, right!?
maybe, better read all the post before posting, paf!!! :rolleyes:


// join EAF92_Brigstock may work better :slight_smile:

For me this 1946 thing is a pain in the arse, I never wanted it and given a choice would never have bought it, I’ve only got it to keep in sync. I’m happy to give my hard earned to Oleg to help his development of future Sims, but I’m not as happy to put his latest work on my HDD.

It contains a bunch of valuable fixes - the Tempest overheat bug (something I’ve only heard rumours about) has been fixed, the new joystick thing makes the planes more stable and the .50s more lethal.

Some have said the new stick settings are a little sensitive, but I suppose that is a personal preference. The overheating Tempest bug is not something I’ve noticed TBH and the same with the .50’s. Out of all the stuff that had been promised for the future of FB, it’s the new Desert and Burma maps I was looking forward to most and Ironically neither made the DVD. It is purely for compatibility reasons I have purchased it and as soon as I put it on my system I’m going to have to say good by to the rts.dll. So all in all I’m paying to get rid of a part of the game I really appreciated. :rolleyes:

In all honesty if I didn’t need it to stay in sync with the rest of the EAF and HL I wouldn’t buy it, which is probably why I’m not upset at all at Play.com for being tardy getting it to me.

EDIT: Burma did make it into 1946, however the desert and Norway Scottish Coast didn’t

Brigs, I think the tool i posted will let you start 4.07 without DVD.
But Im not sure, maybe someone can test?

I’ve had a quick look at the download on my laptop. Because don’t have IL2 on laptop it won’t complete the install. However I suspect it does the same as the JSGME and batch file methods. Which means it’ll switch the ilfb.exe in and out. In which case you’ll still need the DVD.

Yeah, youre right on this!
But I thought it has a rts with it, but its not the case.:frowning:
I just looked it up.

I’ve just had a proper look at it on my gaming machine.
It just automates the batch file method posted above, by creating the relevent batch files for you and copying the shortcut’s to them onto your desktop. :frowning:

I’m hoping the downloadable versions will be cd protection free as the entire game will be available as downloads and they not be able to run CD copyright protection on a download :slight_smile:

finaly they made the .50 better. in real life, they would rip your wing of in no time!

i like 4.07, flight model has changed a lot. stopped at 4.04M and was on leave, and now, it’s smother. i like it :slight_smile:

yesterday wildcat and me transferred the controles of 4.05 to 4.07. the default file in the map users.

and it worked, maybe also a helpfull thing


Dedicated Server for IL2 ver. 4.06m and 4.07m:
