Swedish Aircraft

I thought this looked like fun

But, a Swedish Pfeil? What, why? :confused:

It’s a what if? Mikke
The camouflage is (relatively) modern too - but one I like :slight_smile:

I think it looks amazing. Implausible, but amazing. More WTF than what if but I kind of like it.
Billy Whizz

Yes Billy, also for me… very fantasy work, improbably impossible! :eek: But stimolant camouflage effect. :cool:

Probably very daft coming back to this after 3 months or so but what if? 2 unlikely scenarios. Sweden simply reverse engineers the Do335 after WW2 with the help of refugee Dornier employees…or Germany wins some sort of compromise peace in 1945 (46?) and exports the pfeil to Sweden. As for the camo pattern, well it could just as easily have been thought of circa 1950 as in the 1970’s I think.
I like what ifs. Today I’ve been sitting in work wondering how different Britain and not just it’s railways might have been in ‘what if no Beeching?’ scenarios. Sadly I have insufficient interest in railways to come up with any answers.

At the end of the war the J-21 was already on the way (first production plane delivered in dec-44, engine was a DB605B), which was converted to jet propulsion later on. Not exactly a great plane it seems.
But post war we did get info from Germany that helped put a swept wing on the J29 (first prototype flown in 1948), a good plane for the period. :slight_smile:

Agreed Mikke,
First European swept wing, single engined fighter in service. I like Swedish fighters. Not wishing to hijack Painter’s thread but (being a fan of what ifs) I’ve often thought A UK/SAAB cooperative venture would have been an excellent idea for both sides. I mean from the 1950’s/60’s era. I think Draken and Viggen derivatives would have served the RAF and possibly the FAA very well. Sea Draken FGR Mk1 anyone?
