Swastika to be banned???

As you know, in Germany its forbidden.

Last year happened this,
A man had to pay 3600€ because he sold anti-fascist t-shirts etc. with a destroyed swastika on it… :frowning:

I don’t think we’re on the verge of a European neo-nazi revolution, seems more lack a general trend of banning any kind of political / religious symbology on the off chance someone somewhere might take offense (which is a highway to nothing, as these days people take offense at anything.)
Yea, when the Government tells you what you can say and can’t, sounds to me like the road to Communism. :rolleyes:

I firmly believe that the fact that I am flying my beloved C.205 with the Regia Aeronautica symbol on the wings dopes not mean I am a fascist. And the fact that I fly with the bloody red star on my IL-2 does not mean I am a damned stalinist. They were historical flags of that period. We like simulation at maximum realism. National markings are part of it. Period.

Had the Finnish aeronautics the swastika too, or am I mistaken?

In the book “Double Fighter Knight” the author, a Finnish fighter pilot, explain clearly why Finnish Air Force in WW2 was using the svastika.
Unfortunately I am travelling abroad and I do not have the book on hand. Maybe Mikke can find this sentence in the book, and post it here in the forum?

It’s already mentioned above.
The finnish airforce was founded when von Rosen gave Finland a plane, on it was painted his personal mark, which happened to be a swastika, and the finns decided to keep it as their mark as a tribute to von Rosen.

According to the Wikipedia entry on the Finnish Air Force, when Count von Rosen aquired the first plane, it had an advertisement on the sides of the fuselage - a white circle with something written on it. He simply had the words overpainted with his personal good-luck charm, the blue swastika - and that became the FAF insignia!

Other than wikipedia:

Just wear mirror shades with the mirrors on the inside

like mine !