Per chi c’è stasera voliamo o ci facciamo un HLL. Io ci sarei dalle 21 fin verso mezzanotte.
Poi ci vediamo con il nuovo anno!
Per chi c’è stasera voliamo o ci facciamo un HLL. Io ci sarei dalle 21 fin verso mezzanotte.
Poi ci vediamo con il nuovo anno!
Yeah! Vedo di tenermi libero
Io ve lo dico… Mi farei un’oretta di DCS a provare le novità sui warbirds e a spolverare le basi
Poi defaticamento con quello che ci pare!
Poi vabbè, lo sapete che mi adatto (di solito)
Negativo io non ci sono
Sei un puzzone
polansky in
mi piace… provo ad esserci!
Shardana in!
Uè tra 15/30 min arrivo!
Sono a rappresentare l’EAF al compleanno di cappe… è un lavoro sporco e duro… ma va fatto…
Oh, prima di tutto mi scuso per i problemi vari col mossie* e le perdite di tempo. Devo dire però che poi la navigazione BBQ e l’attacco sono stati piuttosto divertenti! Grazie per la missioncina!
First of all, my apologies for my issues with the mossie and the loss of precious time. But then, I must say that the (very) low level navigation and attack were damn funny, indeed! Thanks for the mission guys!
*: I think I’ve found the problem and it’s related to the “spikes” issue I suffer with my throttle’s axis. I’ve brake axis set on a throttle rotary. When I’m inside a certain range with main throttle axis, the rotary spikes to its max value due to hardware wear&tear. This matches with null brakes input, since I set it inverted. This led to a total loss of brakes input at low throttle/low speed setting, when it’s more needed cause of low rudder authority. That’s it: I was trying to go gentle with throttle, but that was actually the worst thing to do. With full throttle in I would have been outside “spike” range and would have had brake control back. I know that all of this is quite boring for all of you but I love when sim stuff comes so close to some NTSB investigation!
È stato un bel volo ieri sera su dcs!
try it again 2-night
Yeah, I will!
At this point, knowing it was not a torque problem, I’ll push beyond “spike” area very quickly and it should go smooth as it always did!
If you guys want we can try it again tonight with a different approach, i’m gonna think of a good plan
I’m not available tonight. See you next year!
Sorry Roman, I was flying but read this now only
I wanted to try again with Mosquito anyway, and yep, it works. I’ve got my type-rating back with the Mossie