Starting up a Mark IX Spitfire!

Hello Chaps, Jimmi requested if i could put something on the forum, So here it is!
This summer I attended the Somerset Battle of Britain 75th anniversary show at Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton, Devon England.
I was really lucky to get a place to start up the spitfire as one of the bookings backed out.
they can only fire the Merlin for two minutes because they have trouble cooling the engine down which takes about an hour. Also the propeller is battery powered because they said it would be too dangerous with all the spectators that were around.
The ground crew started the battery i switch on the magnetos that pushed in the start buttons! The heat and noise that came through the cockpit was incredible, and the feeling of lets get this thing in the air! a fantastic experience.

Che figata pazzesca!:o:o:o:o:o

who do i have to kill to crank it up???;););););););););););););):wink:

nice Pine!!! you were smiling like a child… the same i would have done in your place!!! :cool::cool::cool::cool:

You lucky son of something! :banana: :D:D:D

I knew there would be trouble if i showed you all this video.:frowning:
The man that displays the mark IX spitfire, also owns well worth a look if you fancy the odd machine gun or hispano cannon!