Stalingrad practice

Since I am unable to make it tonight I’d like to contribute in a different way.

I made a dynamic dogfight map that re- enacts the start of the final stage of the Stalingrad battle. The German 6th army is trapped and still fighting Chuychkov’s 62nd army and Goering’s air bridge is ongoing.

Objectives for red are to destroy transport planes in the air and on the ground. Objectives for blue are to protect the transport assets.
Secondary targets for both sides are ground defences, vehicles and tanks southeast of Stalingrad.
Both sides have 90 minutes to achieve their primary and/ or secondary objectives. All targets time out after 1 hour 30 minutes exactly.

Briefings include details about targets and conditions. Conditions are not exactly clear blue sky, which is what we should expect in the upcoming SEOW campaign.
The map includes lots of AI aircraft for both sides and will keep the map “alive” for 90 minutes. Those AI planes that have rear gunners are set to rookie level.

I used 3 sources for the planeset;

  1. “Red Phoenix, the rise of Soviet air power 1941- 45” (Von Hardesty, Smithsonian Institute)
  2. “Black cross, red star” vol. 3
  3. (excel file with IL2 oriented eastern front order of battle)

I hope this is to your liking, and I hope you will give it a go.
Comments are very welcome.

Will practice with it!!!
Many thanks!!!

Great work Snafu!
Hope to give it a go this night!

Thanks you Snafu, of course we will fly it :slight_smile:

And Im back and ready for your training exam :wink:

Thanks mate. Will have a look at it.

I just found out that somehow I left out the P40E and the Hurricane Mk.II mod.
Will post a new version soon.

I flew it this afternoon. I liked it :smiley:
But I am quite sure that a lot of people will not. I am one of the people who love shitty reallife weather in our missions. Seriously, I do!
Since the campaign are based on a fanatacy planeset it lacks a shitload of aircraft types. Among those the Fw190A-3.

You could beef up the AAA and used the stationary types. Include a range for when they will open up. It would be more in-line with what we see in a SEOW.
The stationary AAA are also smaller which makes them harder to hit and because they are considered more stable than a mobile platform, the accuracy are increased by the game (funny in wicked way :roflmao:)

When I flew around I had the pleasure of seing Red side attacking blue sides airfield with more success than I think we will see in a campaign. In the last three campaigns (Marianas, Phillipines and Crete) the amonunt of AAA we have seen allocated to airfields have been considerble.

How can I get access to the proposed set of equipment for the upcoming SEOW? I heard Classic is the negotiator, correct?

The planeset seems to be released…sort of.
But as a trainee you do not have access to the War Room.

Ill send you the planes set on a PM.

>> EDITED VERSION 23-01-12
I uploaded a SEOW variation of the same DF. Planeset should be more or less the same as we will have in SEOW.